木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2016/04/06(UT)
Michel Jacquesson,Martin Gutmann,Pete Lawrence,Peter Edwards,Joaquin Camarena,Giulio Basti,Kevin Quin,Antonio Garbelini Junior,Vincenzo Mirabella,James Willinghan,Manos Kardasis
K.Sasaki,Michel.J,M.Gutmann,P.Lawrence,K.Horikawa,P.Edwards,J.Camarena,G.Basti,K.Quin,A.Garbelini Jr,T.Akutsu,V.Mirabella,J.Willinghan,Kardasis

Kazuo Sasaki(400mm Casegrain or 203mm SC)

[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市  佐々木一男≫

Michel Jacquesson (203mm SC)

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

Martin Gutmann(405mm F8 Newtonian)

[Martin Gutmann:Kautzen Austria]

Pete Lawrence(355mm SC)

Another reasonable session last night although the promise of a dwindling jet stream didn't seem to come to fruition in time before the clouds started to appear. Transparency was good though,especially early on. Here is my result from 4 April compared with one result taken last night (6 April) with a similar CM value.
[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
Kuniaki Horikawa(300mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Peter Edwards(C14 355mm SC)
Steady seeing (6-7) but windy conditions allowed me to capture some nice detail in this image from last night.

[Peter Edwars: West Sussex United Kingdom]

Joaquin Camarena (SC 355mm)

[Joaquin Camarena:Spain]

Giulio Basti(150mm Maksutov)

[Giulio Basti Chieti,Italy]

Kevin Quin(280mm SC)
Best seeing we've had in months.  CSC said 4/5,and I'd agree with that.  
I got eight images - of varying quality - during the session.
CPC1100,ASI224MC with ZWO ADC. A surface map is also included. [Kevin Quin:Vienna,VA,USA]

Antonio Garbelini Junior (203,250,300mm Newton)

[Antonio Garbelini Junior  ;  Sao Paulo : Brazil]

Tomio Akutsu (355mm SC)

≪栃木県那須烏山市: 阿久津富夫≫

Vincenzo Mirabella(235mm SC)

[ Vincenzo Mirabella,Acate (RG) Italy]

James Willinghan (304mm SCT)

[James Willinghan: Elkridge Maryland U.S.A]
Manos Kardasis (355mm SCT )
Hello, poor to average conditions during capturing this set.
STB-Ghost is methane-dark

[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section