火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2016/01/19(UT)
Avani Soares
Avani Soares氏の画像には、Argyre(W30,-50)の盆地に白雲が記録
To an image of Mr. Avani Soares, white cloud is recorded in
the basin of Argyre(W30,-50). I see water ice cloud from an
image, too. The neighborhood of Xanthe looks white, and a
cloud stands out.
(by 1 observation ;reported by Makoto Adachi)
January, 19-2016; 08:13 TU
CM: 8.5 Alt: 59o Umidity Relative: 85% Seeing: 2,5/5
C14 Edge + ASI 224 + Powermate 2X + L filter Astronomik
[ Observatory Parsec,City Canoas,Brazil]