火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2016/02/20(UT)

Clyde Foster

 Clyde Foster氏の画像では、北極冠がくっきりと見える。この経度では観測し
空からNiliacus Lacusにかけては、いつもの様に氷晶雲の雲の帯ができている。

 With the image of Mr. Clyde Foster, I see NPC clearly. It is easy 
to observe it at this longitude. I can read distorted form. The white
 cloud is not seen around a polar cap. The cloud belt of the water
 ice cloud is made of the Syrtis sky in a usual state about Niliacus 
Lacus. It comes out with the image of IR and R black, but it 
seems that it becomes light under the influence of a cloud by
 the visual observation.
(by 1 observation ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

Clyde Foster(355mm SCT)
The planet now at 8" diameter.
a)When initially looking at the live image on my screen,I was again of the impression that the seeing conditions were poor. The main albedo features were not particularly clear and the bright limb was seen to be "shaking" substantially.
b)I was therefore pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the final image. I am taken a number of captures(when time allows),processing and then selecting the best for further processing. With seeing conditions poor,I am getting quite a range of quality after initial processing and discarding the majority.
c) Even the live image on screen indicated fairly bright cloud over the Chryse equatorial region. This hasn’t come out very clearly in the colour image,but can be seen to some extent in the blue image.
d) The following(right )limb remains exceptionally bright,probably indicating extensive cloud over the Tharsis region?
e) Nice,distinct equatorial cloud is seen over the preceding(eastern- please correct me if I have this wrong) side of the Arabia region. I am not sure if anyone noticed what appeared to be quite a distinct,isolated cloud in the Arabia region on the 17 Feb image?
f) Some finer albedo detail is showing on the southern and following(western) regions of Arabia. The "half hexagon" that I seem to recall from the last apparition is quite evident in the colour and red images.
g) Interesting bright region just south of the NPC which seems to be brightest in the red channel. Would this be dust deposits at the the edge of the NPC?
h) There seems to be fairly extensive cloud activity at the southern extremity of Mars. I am not sure if this is due to the Argyre Basin,or more extensive cover. Comments welcome
i) Probably one of my nicer images for the apparition so far,given the current conditions,but I am really hoping for better seeing conditions as we move closer to opposition.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section