火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2016/04/03(UT)
Clyde Foster,Fernando Silva Correa,Efrain Morales Rivera
Clyde Foster氏の画像にはMeridiani北方の明るい部分は記録されていない。青画像
い間雲が見られた。Fernando Silva Correa氏とEfrain Morales Rivera氏の画像では、
Syrtis Majorは氷晶雲に覆われ青白く見えている。
Bright pattern of the Meridiani north is not recorded to an image of Mr.
Clyde Foster. This part understands that it does not have the cloud with
a blue image. As for this bright part, it was obvious that I saw a cloud.
However, I feel a question in having had been looking well acquainted
with the same position considerably for a long time. A cloud would
continue being seen in the same position where had neither the mountain
nor the basin. With the image of Mr. Fernando Silva Correa and Mr. Efrain
Morales Rivera, a cloud is recorded and seems to become clear when
it is the evening.
Syrtis Major is covered by an water ice cloud, and it looks pale.
(by 3 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)
Clyde Foster氏の画像にはミッチェル山の位置に白い斑点が記録された。IRやR
北半球ではOlympus MonsとErysium Monsに白雲が見られる。この位置ではSP
A white spot was recorded to an image of Mr. Clyde Foster at the
position of the Mt. Michel. Because it is recorded in IR and R, it does
not seem to be a cloud.
White cloud is seen in Olympus Mons and Erysium Mons in the
Northern Hemisphere. In this position, SP hood does not seem to
be so bright.
(by 3 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)
Image set from this morning. The brightish "disturbance" in the northern Arabia region which I noted yesterday is still evident.
[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
Fernando Silva Correa (355mm,235mm SC) |
Seeing 9-10 Trans: 4-10
[Fernando Silva Correa: Santiago,Chile]
Efrain Morales Rivera(300mm SC) |
[Efrain Morales Rivera Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]