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Neptune Image 2016/09/11(UT)
Anthony Wesley
Anthony Wesley (406mm Newton) |
Hi all, here is an image of Neptune from last night during one brief session of good seeing.
I was hoping to get enough data for an animation but the seeing deteriorated very quickly after
this was recorded and there was no chance to record any more data.
Both Phil and I were recording and chatting on Skype,
we could see the same features in the processed data from both our scopes -
we might try and combine our data to see if we can improve on this,
but I'm not sure if the seeing was good enough for that.
There appears to be a bright storm in the far north (top right) as well as
a compact bright storm rising on the limb at left, and some hints of other bright streaks across the disk.
Although the streaks on the disk are faint,
they do appear to align with the angle of rotation for the planet.
More good seeing is needed to generate an animation covering enough time to see these features in motion.
Neptunes day length of about 16 hours makes this more of a challenge.
This image is created from 20 minutes of video @ 10fps through a Baader 610nm longpass filter.
PGR GS3-U3-32S4M camera, TV 5x powermate + Prostar reducer. 406mm newtonian.
ps I don't have a dedicated Neptune list, so this is going to my "Jupiter" list instead.
Please let me know if you don't wish to receive Neptune images,
or if other people should be added to the list.
[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
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