木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2017/12/19(UT)
堀川邦昭,熊森照明,永長英夫,井上 修
Clyde Foster,Anthony Wesley,DJ Hanson,Paul Maxson
C.Foster,Anthony.W,K.Horikawa,T.Kumamori,H.Einaga,O.Inoue,DJ Hanson,P.Maxson

Clyde Foster
I was limited to a quick IR capture this morning as clouds closed over.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Anthony Wesley
Hi all,here's an IR and a colour image of Jupiter from this morning.
Seeing was better than on previous days but the altitude is still a problem.
The GRS can be seen rising at lower left. It's colouration looks quite strong again this season.

[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ  オーストラリア≫

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Hideo Einaga

[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県  加西  永長英夫≫

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

DJ Hanson

[DJ Hanson Chandler,Arizona U.S.A]

Paul Maxson

[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section