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Neptune Image 2017/10/20(UT)
Milika-Nicholas,Randy Tatum,Kolovos Dimitris
ere are more images of Neptune,from 20th October 2017.
This night exhibited the best & worst of seeing situations from home for us: very steady atmospheric conditions
(note L. Aquarii collimation image insets in images) - but very constant cloud coverage unfortunately. :(
This caused us to miss out on the prime imaging times for the bright EQ spot,waiting (hoping!) for the clouds to disperse...
but we finally just shot 3 quick capture runs where about half the 9 minute runs were lost in each capture from clouds,
knowing that if we didn't start imaging the bright EQ spot would soon disappear around the P Limb.
Marc Delcroix' ephemeris is working very well,
see rough spot measurements which seems to accord fairly well with his prediction for that night,
taking into account the time & the calculated drift rate - see measurement image attached.
We captured the bright spot as it approached & began to disappear on the P limb...
each processed (sharpened) image also displays the RAW unsharpened stacks as insets also.
Here are the 3 capture images with associated information as well as an animated sequence of these 3 images over the very short timespan...
[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]
I used Firecapture, Registax 5 and Photoshop CS2 for processing.
[ Randy Tatum,Richmond,VA U.S.A]
[Kolovos Dimitrios,Athens Greece]