木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2018/05/09(UT)
熊森照明,荒川 毅
Guilherme Grassmann,Martin Gutmann,Mike Hood,Luis Amiama Gomez,Ethan Chappel,Efrain Morales Rivera,Paul Maxson,Damian Peach
[Guilherme Grassmann,Americana-San Paulo,Brasil]
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
[Martin Gutmann:Kautzen Austria]
Attached is an image of Jupiter taken the night of opposition.
The image was made with a TEC 200 ED refractor at F-32
in slightly better than average seeing.
[Mike Hood : Kathleen Georgia,U.S.A.]
≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]
[Luis Amiama Gomez : [Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic]
White Spot Z is visible just before the central meridian.
The EZ has an orange tint.
The SEB is split by a lighter band and contains a couple brown barges near the central meridian.
The Great Red Spot is setting.
The wake trailing the GRS is small.
Oval BA has a dark collar from the STB Ghost.
The NTB is fading,and a pattern of dark markings are visible on the northern edge before the central meridian.
White Spot Z is just passed the CM.
The EZ has an orange tint.
Three brown barges are visible in the SEBs.
Oval BA is at the CM,with the STB ghost trailing it.
The sector of the STB trailing Oval BA is dark.
he NTB is fading.
The NEBn before the central meridian is ragged.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs is just before the CM,while two more are setting.
Dark material is trailing the STB Ghost.
The NTB is fading.
The NEBn before the central meridian is ragged,while it isn't after the CM.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs is just after the CM.
Dark material is trailing the STB Ghost.
The NTB is fading. Some dark spots are on the northern edge.
Most of the NEBn is ragged.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs has just passed the central meridian.
Dark material is trailing the STB Ghost. A small white spot is embedded.
The NTB is faded.
The NEBn is ragged. Two spots on the belt's boundary are rising.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs is about to set.
The STB Ghost is setting.
The NTB is faded.
The NEBn is ragged.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs is rising,while another is setting.
Dark material is trailing the STB Ghost.
The NTB is faded. Some gray material is in the NTBn.
The NEBn is ragged.
The EZ is tinted orange.
A brown barge in the SEBs is rising,while another is setting.
[Ethan Chappel Cibolo,Texas,United States]
[Efrain Morales Rivera Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]
[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]
Here are some images from May 9th. Very good seeing. A nice view of Oval BA and surroundings.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]