火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2018/01/28(UT)

Clyde Foster

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
 Clyde Foster氏だけの観測報告となった。南極部に明るく写っているのはArgyreの雲らしいが、やや南寄りに見えているように思われる。
  It was an observation report only by Clyde Foster. It seems that Argyre's clouds appear brightly in the Antarctic, but it seems to be 
a little southward. It looks like near the northernmost line of the SPC. The Arctic looked somewhat yellow on January 27, but today 
it is clearly yellowed. In the red image, since the ring pattern surrounding the North Pole is clear, it seems to be about the veil of dust.

(by 1 observation ;reported by Makoto Adachi)


Clyde Foster
I am going through an extended period of cloudy, wet weather, 
which looks like it is going to extend well into this week. 
Thankful for some nice rain, although it is our friends further south in Cape Town
that are in desperate need of water(It is projected that they have 72 days before they run out).
I had a very small gap yesterday morning, and despite heavy dew, 
I just managed to sneak one set of Mars RGB and IR avi’s in between clouds.
Not surprisingly the conditions were poor and the blue data was especially poor.
Over and above the well-known albedo features, the small NPC can be seen and it also appears 
that Argye is detected at the top of the image with some cloud or ice.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section