Mars 9 - 23 June 2018 Dust Activity over Solis Lacus region by C.Foster
Over the period 9-23 June, I was able to monitor the Vallis Marineris/Solis Lacus region, which corresponded to the western front of the major dust storm that had initiated in Mare Acidalia at the end of May.
The main dust cloud from this storm can be seen blanketing the eastern(left) limb, particularly well seen from 11-15 June, and appearing to become more diffuse in the following days.
Very dynamic changes were seen on a daily basis, with dust activity, which appears to be various extensions of the original dust cloud, active across Solis Lacus over this whole period.
However, multiple, local, concentrated, albeit short lived, dust outbreaks were also see during this period, most notably:
- Directly over Solis Lacus on 10 and 11 June
- Very bright outbreak in Memnonia 12 June
- Two concentrated outbreaks just south-west of Vallis Marineris on 19 June, with a possible further, less concentrated outbreak in Daedalia/Memnonia.
- What appears to be a major dust outbreak to the south, west and north of Solis Lacus (captured by other imagers on previous days) as seen on 23 June. At this stage the whole region had a very hazy appearance
I have deliberately left off detailed daily information, but can supply/add if required.
[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
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