火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2018/09/29(UT)
Christopher Go,Bruce Macdonald,Paul Maxson,Milika-Nicholas
Christopher Go,B.Macdonald,P.Maxson,Milika-Nicholas
解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
Today there are no noticeable phenomena.
(by 4 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)
The sky was mostly overcast today.
Because of the two tropical systems NE of my location
we were having WSW winds which is suppose to be the worst winds here as it is from the mountains.
So I was surprised that the sky cleared early this evening and that seeing was actually quite stable today!
Chryse is on the left side while Sinus Meridiani/ Sinus Sabaeus are on the right.
Sinus Meridiani looks very clear now. Unfortunately,the Opportunity rover still hasn't phone home yet.
The South Pole is still prominent.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
(Bruce Macdonald : Punta Gorda,Florida USA)
[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]
Mars images from September 29th 2018...very poor seeing only allowed a few r-g-b captures this night...
I present again a larger rgb plus a capture scale rgb, along with the single channels at capture scale in a composite image -
also an iR610nm image at capture scale.
The "Mountains of Mitchel" show clear separation from the SPC in the rgb as well as the individual channels,
with Hellas extremely bright also.
Here is a late-processing to include with the image I sent of Mars from September 29th 2018.
This red-filter capture was taken at the end of the short imaging session we ran that night in poor conditions,
although the results were better than expected -
Crater Tikhonranov is seen hilghted by the Sun angle whilst its more impressive neightbour Crater Cassini is less visible slightly North & to the West of Tikhonranov.
Crater Tik matches the co-ordinates it has at approximately 320ー W & 12.5ー N.
The inset shows a harder-processed Mars together with a map, although this crater can easily be seen in the "normal" image.
[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]