火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2018/10/20(UT)
中田 昌,荒川 毅,中野雄吉,岡村修
Randy B. Christensen,Giancarlo Rizzato,Paul Maxson,Du Jin Kim,Milika-Nicholas,Bruce Macdonald

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
Milika-Nicholas氏の画像に非常によく記録されている。Bruce Macdonald氏は小さくなったSPCの姿を良く記録している。

In the image of Mr. Nakata you can see the spread of white clouds near the SPC. It seems that there is not only morning fog 
but also white clouds. This situation is very well recorded in the image of Mr. Milika-Nicholas. Mr. Bruce Macdonald well records 
the appearance of the smaller SPC. It seems that it is divided into two roughly.

(by 10 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

Randy B. Christensen
Seeing 3-4/10 Transparency 8/10

[Randy B. Christensen,Livermore,California,US]

Giancarlo Rizzato

[Giancarlo Rizzato : Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) ITALY]


[Akira-Nakata  Koube-City Hhyougo-Prefecture Japan]
≪ 兵庫県 神戸市西区 中田  昌≫

Paul Maxson

[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]

Tsuyoshi Arakawa

≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]

Yuukichi Nakano

≪大分県大分市 中野雄吉≫
[Yuukichi Nakano : Ohita-Ohoita prefecture Japan]

Osamu Okamura

[Osamu Okamura (Kobe-City Hyogo-Pre. Japan)]
≪兵庫県神戸市  岡村  修≫

Du Jin Kim

[Du Jin Kim,South Korea]

Here are Mars images from October 20th 2018 - 
an rgb at 125% capture scale plus the capture scale & the individual filter channel images: 
also an iR610nm capture taken approximately 1/2 hour after the r-g-b sequence. 
Olympus Mons is distinct in the rgb as well as the individual channels.

[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]

Bruce Macdonald

(Bruce Macdonald : Punta Gorda,Florida USA)

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section