Jupiter 05/29 Distorted GRS! by Christopher Go
Seeing was fair today.
There is a lot of activity going on in the GRS. Note the new little red spot on the p side of the GRS! The previous little red spot has encountered the incoming white spot. The east side of the GRS is distorted. Note the IR bright features on the E and NE of the GRS. These coincide with what appears to be red spots INSIDE the GRS! The red streak around the GRS seems faded in the color image but it is can be seen in the methane band image. The "Flake" material has not pushed south of the GRS! This can clearly be seen on the methane band image.
White Spot Z can be seen above the GRS on the NEBn. Note the methane band of this region shows that WSZ is dark in the middle but bright on the edge. Note what appears to be a white plume on the EZ/NEBs above the GRS. This feature is bright in methane band.
I derotated all my good images!
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section