木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2019/06/17(UT)
鈴木邦彦,荒川 毅,井上 修,村田孝昭,堀川邦昭,橋野英嗣,長瀬雅明,熊森照明,皆川伸也,黒田瑞穂,青木和夫,大杉忠夫,尾崎公一,山崎明宏,小山田博之
Michel Jacquesson,Christopher Go,Clyde Foster,John Rozakis,Christophe Pellier,Bernard BAYLE,Jean-Luc Dauvergne,Efrain Morales Rivera,Marc Delcroix,Andy Casely
K.Suzuki,Michel.J,T.Arakawa,O.Inoue,Christopher Go,T.Murata,K.Horikawa,H.Hashino,M.Nagase,T.Kumamori,C.Foster,J.Rozakis,N.Minagawa,M.Kuroda,K.Aoki,Christophe.P,T.Ohsugi,B.Bayle,JL Dauvergne,E.Morales,K.Ozaki,A.Yamazaki,M.Delcroix,H.Oyamada,A.Casely

Kunihiko Suzuki

[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

Michel Jacquesson

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

Tsuyoshi Arakawa

≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Christopher Go
Condition was a bit frustrating today.
The sky was partially cloudy and I had to image through holes the in the clouds.  Seeing was variable with times of good seeing.
The GRS continues to evolve.  Note the east side of the GRS.  A red extension is forming.
This feature is prominent on the methane band image.
Will this extension flake off or will the GRS grow?  On the IR image,note the two bright ovals inside the GRS.
The GRS halo is still very enlarged and the "chimney" above the GRS seem to be close down compared to the image 2 days ago.
The small red ovals on the p side of the GRS are moving away from the GRS.  These features form a very bright streak on the methane band.
WSZ is dark in IR and CH4 but the area above it is very bright in IR and methane band.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Takaaki Murata

≪東京都  国立市  村田孝昭≫[Takaaki Murata: Tokyo Japan]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Hidetugu Hashino

≪千葉県木更津市 橋野英嗣≫[Hidetugu Hashino:Chiba:Japan]

Masaaki Nagase

[Masaaki Nagase,Kawasaki-City,Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Clyde Foster
Image set from last night. The GRS is on the preceding limb in the RGB.
This region shows very interesting structure in the SEB.
Regarding the 1704UT CH4 image,I opened up the observatory early to allow stabilisation.
Jupiter was at 29 deg elevation. I had a quick look at it,but seeing was very poor. Anyway,
I captured a few CH4’s “just in case”. I did my normal process,but the results were really not good,and was not going to circulate.
When I saw Shinji’s latest report and Chris Go’s latest CH4 image,which appears to show new Methane -bright activity on the eastern edge of the GRS,
I had a quick online chat with Anthony Wesley,who kindly provided a bit of advice to improve my CH4 processing.
I re-ran everything and was at least able to get the attached image.
Not great,but at least it’s another data point. Hopefully get a better look tonight.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

John Rozakis

[John Rozakis,Athens Greece]

Nobuya Minagawa

≪東京都  立川市  皆川伸也≫[Nobuya Minagawa:Tokyo Japan]

Mizuho Kuroda

≪黒田瑞穂 : 兵庫県 太子町≫[Mizuho Kuroda : Taishi Hyogo Japan]

Kazuo Aoki

[青木和夫:東京都世田谷区][Kazuo Aoki:Tokyo Japan]

Christophe Pellier
For these the seeing was very good for an elevation of 18-19 only.

[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City,France]

Tadao Ohsugi

≪石川県小松市 大杉忠夫≫[Tadao Ohsugi:Komatsu city Ishikawa pre,Japan]

Bernard BAYLE

[Bernard BAYLE : Carnac,France]

Jean-Luc Dauvergne

[Jean-Luc Dauvergne:Paris France]

Efrain Morales Rivera

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Kimikazu Ozaki

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫


《東京都町田市、山崎明宏》[A.Yamazaki: Machida Tokyo Japan]

Marc Delcroix

[Marc Delcroix  Tournefeuille,France]

Hiroyuki Oyamada

≪東京都  多摩市 小山田博之≫
[Hiroyuki Oyamada : Takasaki Gumma Japan]

Andy Casely

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section