木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2020/03/03(UT)

Clyde Foster,Christopher Go,Vinicius Mansano Martins
C.Foster,Christopher Go,V.Martins

Clyde Foster
At last a gap in another period of cloudy mornings,which happened to coincide with the GRS in transit.
Unfortunately poor seeing,heavy dew and rather rare(for my location) low level mist(which eventually killed off the session),
all took their tolls on the quality of data.
I captured a lot of data,most of which was unusable,but I did manage to produce the attached CH4,IR and 2x RGB's.
Once again,resolution is a bit low to make any definitive statements about activity around the GRS.

After some recent interaction with Dave Tyler on his testing of Topaz denoise AI,
I also took the step of doing some of my own testing.
This is the first data I have tried it on. Given the poor data,
I was reasonably happy with the final results,but will continue testing and assessing the software.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Christopher Go
I am finally able to image Jupiter.   Jupiter is still around 30deg and seeing was unstable.
The GRS is rising on these images.   The SEB seems to be fading.   The NEB has some bright outbreak spots.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Vinicius Mansano Martins

[Vinicius Mansano Martins : Ribeirao Preto - SP,Brazil]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section