木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2020/05/04(UT)
Clyde Foster,Anthony Wesley,Trevor Barry,Christopher Go,Milika-Nicholas
C.Foster,Anthony.W,S.Ito,T.Barry,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu,Milika-Nicholas
A rather frustrating morning with poor seeing,not helped by Jetstream conditions. The IR was probably the best.
[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
Hi all,here's an image of Jupiter from this morning through a 750nm IR
longpass filter. This was the only usable filter due to the poor seeing.
Oval BA can be seen as it sets at lower right,and also a lot of ongoing
activity in the North Equatorial Belt. The South Equatorial Belt shows
as quite narrow,with a series of bright and dark segments. The northern
half of the SEB is almost uniformly bright apart from a dark section
near the centre of this image.
[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ オーストラリア≫
≪愛知県 春日井市 伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]
Imaged Jupiter May 4th in good seeing,such a pleasure to caress good data,so little processing required.
The line up of three bright ovals in the STB was well seen in the live feed in all channels.
A plethora of quite intricate detail is resolved from pole to pole.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
When I woke up this morning,I checked Accuweather on my phone and it said that it was raining outside with NW winds.
But when I got out,the sky was clear! Seeing was excellent!
There are many details that are resolved in these images!
The SEBn is turbulent due to the interaction with the GRS. There is a bright outbreak on the NEB.
The NEBn is still very much disturbed. Note the dark festoon like feature on the NEB!
There are also many features that can be resolved up to the poles.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
≪茨城県 : 阿久津富夫≫
An image of Jupiter from May 4th 2020 which displays the ongoing turbulence especially in the more northerly aspects of the NEB...included in the image are the individual filter channels from these captures.
Seeing was poor but at least there were no clouds,
unlike most nights over the last month or two..! ;)
[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]