Jupiter Report - 2020/08/01 2020/08/28 2020/09/06 2020/09/16 by,H.GONDO
Sydney faced a poor weather even after the opposition of Jupiter in 2020.
I upgraded my 10 inch SCT (Meade LX200) to 12 inch and managed to capture better images than 2019.
The outbreak in NTZ was clearly shown in 28 August, 6 September and 16 September images.
The initial small outbreak had been appeared to be multiplied (may be splitted into other breaks)
and somewhat appeared to be contained in 16 September image.
In 28 August image, it shows unsual GRS, Oval BA and NTZ's outbreak lined up together in the same longtitude.
[Hisanori GONDO : Sydney,Australia]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section