Rotation periods of NTBs jetstream outbreak by K.Horikawa
・Leading spotの自転周期は平均で9h47m18s、風速換算で+160m/sで、この種の模様としては典型的な値です。
・Leading spotは、最初に出現したLS#1が最も速く、#2、#3と出現順となっています。
- The mean rotation period of the leading spots was 9h47m18s, or +160m/s in wind velocity relative to system 3.
It is typical value in such feature.
- I could identify 7 dark spots in outbreak #1, 3 spots in #2, and 2 spots in #3.
These mean rotation period was 9h49m58s, though each value varies greatly.
- The fastest spot was LS#1, next was LS#2, and LS#3 was the slowest. The earliest spot was the fastest.
The same tendency was seen in dark spots in each outbreak.
So, merger with another spot was frequently seen
≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section