木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2020/10/28(UT)
大田 聡,伊藤了史
Clyde Foster,Jose Alberto Berdejo
[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県 豊見城市 大田 聡≫
RGB and CH4 from yesterday evening as the GRS was approaching the preceding limb.
Plenty of turbulence following the GRS,which also shows some light features in the CH4.
Interesting light/dark features on the NEBs just past the CM. It’s not that clear,
but it looks like a string of small,closely connected SEBs rings may be entering the GRS hollow.
I was prevented from capturing IR due to a glitch with my filterwheel- really hoping it is not a serious issue.
[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
The seeing was fair
[Jose Alberto Berdejo:Zaragoza Spain]
≪愛知県 春日井市 伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]