木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2021/03/31(UT)

Lucca Schwingel Viola,Niall MacNeill,Clyde Foster,Vinicius Mansano Martins,Trevor Barry

Lucca Schwingel Viola
2021-03-31 (yyyy-mm-dd),08:59.0 UT  CM I   8,4° CM II 177,0° CM III 322,7°
Seeing 8/10 Trans 8/10

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]

Niall MacNeill
The Oval BA is once again showing a reddish tinge in the colour image,but it can also be seen to be more white at its northern extremity.

[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

Clyde Foster
I managed to get a decent look at the GRS region this morning.
A few things to note:

1) The "hook" on the following side of the GRS,a bit reminiscent of the 2019 events.
2) The UV is interesting with a very bright streak following the GRS.
3) The complex bright outbreak nf the GRS.
4) The well developed STr "Band" preceding the GRS.
5) The substantial and complex festoon directly north of the GRS,
which appears to have a distinct light feature (cloud?) on its sf edge.
6) The dark extended feature in the north.

Another (earlier) RGB from this morning,about half an hour before the RGB in the full set that I posted earlier.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Vinicius Mansano Martins
2021-03-31 (yyyy-mm-dd),09:13.7 UT  CM I  17,3° CM II 185,9° CM III 331,6°
Seeing 3/10 Trans 6/10

[Vinicius Mansano Martins : Ribeirao Preto - SP,Brazil]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Jupiter March 31st in goodish seeing at all wavelengths. 
Considerable depth of detail is resolved, 
the NNTeB has prominent thin dark linear features while quite delicate structure is seen along the Northern edge of the NTeB. 
The NEB has two widely separated small red barges and the Northern half of the EZ is coloured orange. 
Small scale structure is resolved along the Southern edge of the SEB. 
Oval BA is well resolved and is preceded by a large diffuse bright region of similar diameter to Oval BA. 
Oval BA is trailed by a series of at least three very small compact bright spots. 
The SSTeB is dominated by a series of five white ovals.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section