木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2021/04/03(UT)
Andy Casely,Christopher Go,Trevor Barry
A.Casely,Christopher Go,T.Barry
Made a mistake with the end of daylight savings ...
got the scope out at leisure to find it was only 40mins before sunrise!
Conditions were not as good as hoped,but reasonable for the time of the season.
The GRS is rising,with ripples on the southern side of the South Tropical Band,reminiscent of June 2019.
Two good-sized rings are on the SEBs. Callisto is silhouetted in transit.
Methane was taken almost on sunrise.
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]
Happy Easter!
Condition was poor today because of Jupiter's low altitude and a NW wind which is opposite from a laminar flow.
Seeing was very bad while transparency was poor due to thin clouds and haze.
These images show a very rare equatorial transit of Callisto!
The GRS can be seen. There are bright outbreaks on the f side of the GRS.
The chimney above the GRS is open. The EZn has a strong color. The NEB looks very quiet.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Imaged Jupiter April 3rd in rather ordinary seeing.
The GRS is toward the F limb with a shadow transit of Callisto above on the Southern edge of the EZ,
a small bright oval is resolved in the NNTeB toward the F limb.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]