木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2021/09/01(UT)
Guilherme Grassmann,Fattinnanzi Cristian,Massimo Bianchi,Andy Casely,Clyde Foster,Willian Souza,Frank Nosek,Mark Lonsdale,Carlos Alberto Palhares,Efrain Morales Rivera,Manos Kardasis,Trevor Barry,John Rozakis,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Paulo Casquinha,Michel Jacques Jacquesson,Glauco Uri
G.Grassmann,C.Fattinnanzi,M.Miyahara,M.Bianchi,A.Casely,C.Foster,Y.Takao,W.Souza,F.Nosek,M.Lonsdale,C.A.Palhares,E.Morales,Kardasis,T.Barry,J.Rozakis,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Casquinha,Michel.J,Glauco
[Guilherme Grassmann,Americana-San Paulo,Brasil]
[Fattinnanzi Cristian : Montecassiano ITALY]
<<北海道札幌市 宮原正育>>[Miyahara Masayasu. Sapporo,Hokkaido,Japan]
[Massimo Bianchi : Milan,Italy]
Full set from a short session on 1st September,a day before PJ36. The GRS has passed the meridian,and Io is transiting.
There's a small outbreak in the GRS wake,and quite a few small spots in the region between DS7 Clyde's Spot remnants (rising) and the GRS.
Detail in CH4 was quite reasonable. Quite fun to recall how dramatic the NTB was,12 months ago and how quiet the region is this year.
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]
Last night was my best window to capture the track and I had some reasonable conditions,particularly shortly after the track had crossed the CM.
No major features down the track,but despite that I am sure we will get the normal spectacular images coming back.
Although it likely won’t be captured by Juno,
I noted the CH4 bright EZ region approaching the preceding limb,which appears to be doing a GRS impersonation in the UV!
After the earlier Juno PJ36 session,
I was back out a bit later to try and catch the GRS,although as has been the trend recently,
conditions deteriorated rather than improved towards midnight.
[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]
<<北海道札幌市 高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]
[Willian Souza : Sao Paulo,Brazil]
[Frank Nosek : Berlin Germany ]
[Mark Lonsdale : [Canberra,Australia]
[Carlos Alberto Palhares,MOnte Carmelo,MG,Brazil ]
[Efrain Morales Rivera Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]
[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》
Imaged Jupiter September 1st 2021 in quite reasonable seeing.
The NNTB remains dominated by a succession of thin dark linear features while the NTB also has several thin dark linear features.
There are three well resolved red barges in the NEB. An orange haze dominates the EZ
with Io + shadow in transit.
The GRS is toward the P limb and the turbulence immediately following the GRS seems to have reddish material leaking into it from the GRS.
The F-Spectre is well seen particularly in the B channel as is DS7 in the STB. A1,A2,A3,A4 and A5 are well resolved in the SSTB.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
[John Rozakis,Athens Greece]
[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]
(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha Palmela,Portugal]
[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]
[ Glauco Uri ITALY ]