木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2021/10/06(UT)
佐々木一男,森田光治,鶴海敏久,荒川 毅,井上 修,宮原正育,安達 誠,堀井恵策,熊森照明,高尾幸弘,伊藤了史,山岡千広,尾崎公一
Niall MacNeill,Jose Antonio Soldevilla,Joaquin Camarena,Andy Casely,Du Jin Kim,Christophe Pellier
[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市 佐々木一男≫
≪滋賀県守山市 森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]
≪岡山県岡山市 鶴海敏久≫[Toshihisa Tsurumi:Okayama-City Okayama-Prefecture Japan]
今日のメタンバンド画像を見ていて、11:11 UT には見られない明るい斑点が 12:26
UT 画像にあることに気づきました。
それぞれの画像は、1分間の画像 14 〜 16 枚を De-Rotation
していますので、元になったそれぞれの画像を確認してみたところ、11:11 UT の元画像にはどれも見られず、逆に、12:26
UT の元画像には 16 枚とも映っていました。
参考に、それぞれの元画像 4 枚ずつを並べたものを報告いたします。
≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]
≪大阪府 枚方市 井上 修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]
<<北海道札幌市 宮原正育>>[Miyahara Masayasu. Sapporo,Hokkaido,Japan]
These are Jupiter images captured on my C11,given the C14 was on deep sky duties.
Even though the seeing was very good,the image scale was 0.18 "/pxl which is undersampled and the resolution suffered accordingly.
I really needed an image scale of 0.11 "/pxl on the C11 to take full advantage of the good seeing.
Unfortunately,I used a 2X Barlow,where I should have used the 3X Barlow.
Ironically,the Methane Band image,at Prime Focus with an image scale of 0.21 "/pxl,
is one of the best I've produced from the ASI 462MC. Given the 889nm wavelength,
I theoretically needed a 0.19 "/pxl,so my actual sampling was closer to that theoretically required.
I put this down to getting the focus right through use of the manual focuser.
To me this shows that having an image scale below 0.1 "/pxl is not necessary on the C11 or indeed the C14.
[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]
≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]
bery bad seeing. I'm taking images because I want to explore imaging combining images from two cameras,
one in BW and thesecond one in colour.
[Jose Antonio Soldevilla Canyelles-Barcelona-Spain]
≪兵庫県姫路市 堀井恵策≫[Keisaku Horii : Himeji Hyougo Japan]
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
[Joaquin Camarena:Spain]
<<北海道札幌市 高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]
≪愛知県 春日井市 伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]
Here is a set containing a surprising period of OK seeing despite a 100kt jetstream running.
Images cover the region following Oval BA and include the SPR LRS-1,the white oval on the STB,
and include the row of small dark spots on the north side of the STB.
Not many major features or changes to note,perhaps worth mentioning the broader bright EZ in CH4 in the first image
(between the NNTB LRS and the SPR LRS-1) near a group of darker spots in IR on the NEBs
(normal roots of faint festoons I think),but not really unusual,
and no expression in RGB. Seeing degraded after the early decent spell.
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]
[Du Jin Kim,South Korea]
≪山岡千広 : 兵庫県 加古川≫[Chihiro.Yamaoka : Kakogawa Hyogo Japan]
台風から変わった低気圧に向かって吹く風が強く Seeing が芳しくないことから露出を 5ms 前後で撮像を試みましたが、
[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町 尾崎公一≫
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]