木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2021/11/16(UT)
Gary Walker,Trevor Barry,Andy Casely

Tutomu Ishibashi

(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県  相模原市  石橋力≫

Yasuaki Sato


[Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa-prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県相模原市  佐藤康明≫

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Yukihiro Takao

<<北海道札幌市  高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]

Gary Walker
The NEB rifted area is very dark in methane band,near the preceding limb.

[Gary Walker:Georgia:USA]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Jupiter November 16th,seeing was fair at best.
Have only 685nm IR data due to a problem at the start of the session with my filter wheel.
Have resolved multiple v-small bright spots within the NPR.
A series of v-small dark spots are aligned across the NNTB.
The border of the NEB and EZ has a series of dark spots from the F limb to the CM
and quite intricate detail is resolved within the EZ.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Andy Casely
La Nina weather means this was my only Jupiter image in a whole month, caught on a very rare clear night as Jupiter was descending. 
Seeing was also deteriorating. It's a quiet side of Jupiter, covering the region just preceding the Great Red Spot. 
The NEBs outbreak is rising, and even in a terrible methane image, shows a rather prominent dark streak, 
which in mapping matches the position of the bright streak just rising in RGB (centre near L3: 161deg/+10deg). 
The forecast continues very cloudy and wet here, so I’m unlikely to get many images any time soon.
Clear skies,

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section