木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2022/01/11(UT)
Joaquin Camarena,Vicent Gonzalez Cebria,Antonio Cidadao,Efrain Morales Rivera
[Joaquin Camarena:Spain]
[Vicent Gonzalez Cebria:46600 Alzira(Valencia) Spain]
Dear sirs,I attach yesterday's data,processed both morphologically and for photometric study and quantitative image ratios.
Spot is quite visible on processed images but not so on calibrated photometric images (it becomes subtle).
It is also poorly seen on image ratios,even when enhanced (in most cases,only a morphology reminiscent of the IR black festoon is seen)
particularly on those obtained between both CH4 filters (spot not visible at all).
Data was quantified and results are presented as line profiles (horizontal and vertical) passing through the spot.
Profiles for the three filters,and also for the three image ratio maps are shown.
On each profile is seen in a different color the depression (the spot) and an adjacent region (no spot)
that were selected and quantified to evaluate geometric albedo and albedo ratios.
Albedo and ratio alues for "whole disk" are also shown,
but please bear in mind that these are not true equatorial and axial profiles,
and these figures deviate a bit for the standard values obtained with these filters (CH4 20nm = 0.05; VW-1 = 0.109 ; IR850 = 0.215).
As a whole these results (namely image ratios between weak and strong methane filters)
suggest that there is no significant contribution of high or
mid altitude clouds/hazes those preferentially detected by strong and weak methane filters) on the dark spot.
I'm attaching the first images of Jan 11 session (RGB included),
that I had not previously send, since CM may be more adequate to show Juno flyby.
≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao Oeiras - Portugal]
[Efrain Morales Rivera Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]