木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2023/11/24(UT)
Christopher Go,Tiziano Olivetti,Antonio Cidadao,Fumega Camilo Ucha,Miguel Araujo,Jonathan Christopher Nicholl,Paulo Casquinha,Michael Wong,Rob Bullen
A.Kazemoto,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu,T.Olivetti,K.Horikawa,S.Ito,A.Cidadao,Camilo,M.Araujo,J.C.Nicholls,P.Casquinha,M.Wong,R.Bullen

Akira Kazemoto

≪京都府久世郡  風本明≫[Akira Kazemoto:Kyoto Japan]

Christopher Go
It rained hard late this afternoon to early evening.  The sky cleared when Jupiter was close to the zenith.
Seeing was excellent but it was very windy.  Seeing deteriorated as the winds got stronger.

The NEB and SEB looks quiet in this region.  Note the strange feature above the NTB before the CM.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Tomio Akutsu
ルーチン木星画像。 気流が不安定なのでカラーとIR画像は口径を30pに絞っています。

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Tiziano Olivetti
Attached two images from last night under  average seeing and good
transparency. The GRS is visible on the left,as well as the satellite Io with its shadow .

[ティジャノ:オリベッティ バンコック タイ]
[Tiziano Olivetti : Bangkok Thailand]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Satoshi Ito

≪愛知県  春日井市  伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]

Antonio Cidadao
Hi all,I attach IR685,z'-s',and integrated light evidence that the
merging event between S4-AWO-2 and S4-LRS-1 has not finished yet (two
distinct bright foci,arrowed in insets are still visible).

Images were obtained at the end of my methane-band imaging session,
yesterday,under good seeing. On each image pair,the image at the left is
the derotation of five 1min SERs and that on the right is a single 1 min
SER. The two foci are already seen on single images. Ganymede is included,
so that the amount of detail visible at the moment is shown. The 14" LX200
@ f/10 and a PO MARS-M II were used. Images are a bit oversharpened to
better show the two foci.

≪アントニオ  シダダオ  ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao  Oeiras - Portugal]

Fumega Camilo Ucha
After many days of rain,I was finally able to see the planet Jupiter.I feel goot.

[Fumega Camilo Ucha  : Galicia,Spain]

Miguel Araujo

[Miguel Araujo : Evora,Portugal]

Jonathan Christopher Nicholls
Jupiter 2023/11/24 23:01 UT

[Jonathan Christopher Nicholls : Derby,United Kingdom]

Paulo Casquinha

(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W  Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha  Palmela,Portugal]

Michael Wong

[Michael Wong,Hong Kong,China]

Rob Bullen

[Rob Bullen: Gloucestershire,UK]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section