木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2023/12/22(UT)
和田 繁,風本明,森田光治,長瀬雅明,渡辺義夫,三品利郎,鈴木邦彦,井上 修,堀川邦昭,熊森照明,阿久津富夫,尾崎公一
Christopher Go,Tiziano Olivetti,Vicent Gonzalez Cebria,Thomas E. Williamson,Andy Casely,Daniele Papa,Rob Bullen
SH.Wada,A.Kazemoto,M.Morita,M.Nagase,Christopher Go,Y.Watanabe,T.Mishina,K.Suzuki,T.Olivetti,O.Inoue,K.Horikawa,T.Kumamori,T.Akutsu,V.Gonzalez,T.Williamson,A.Casely,D.Papa,K.Ozaki,R.Bullen

Shigeru Wada

[Shigeru Wada: Takatsuki City,Osaka,Japan]
≪大阪府高槻市 和田  繁≫

Akira Kazemoto


≪京都府久世郡  風本明≫[Akira Kazemoto:Kyoto Japan]

Mitsuji Morita


≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]

Masaaki Nagase
Atmospheric conditions are slightly better than the last days of hopeless wavy images.
Managed to squeeze image the vague structures

[Masaaki Nagase,Kawasaki-City,Japan]

Christopher Go
I was hoping to image the GRS today but it was cloudy early this evening. When the sky cleared,the GRS was already setting.
Conditions were perfect today.

The wake of the GRS is prominent in these images.  Note the multiple outbreaks on the wake.
This can easily be seen in the methane band image.  The NEB is also active with complex rifts

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Yoshio Watanabe

≪神奈川県  平塚市  渡辺義夫≫[Yoshio Watanabe. Hiratsuka-city,Kanagawa,Japan]


≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫[Toshirou.Mishina:Kanagawa Japan]

Kunihiko Suzuki

[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

Tiziano Olivetti
another windy and clear night,with short periods of very good seeing.
The images are from the best 3 RGB sets,this is the area following the GRS.

[ティジャノ:オリベッティ バンコック タイ]
[Tiziano Olivetti : Bangkok Thailand]

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Tomio Akutsu

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Vicent Gonzalez Cebria

[Vicent Gonzalez Cebria:46600 Alzira(Valencia) Spain]

Thomas E. Williamson

[ Thomas E. Williamson Albuquerque,New Mexico,USA ]

Andy Casely
At last! After a long imaging hiatus due to travel,weather,seeing and clouds,here’s a set from 22nd December.
Quite good seeing for the IR,a mixed bag for the RGB but it’s still possibly my best of a poor Jupiter year,
but the methane was curtailed by clouds. All covering the region following the GRS.
Clear skies,

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

Daniele Papa

[Daniele Papa : Agropoli(SA),Italy]

Kimikazu Ozaki

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

Rob Bullen

[Rob Bullen: Gloucestershire,UK]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section