海王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Neptune Image 2023/09/18(UT)
Anthony Wesley
here's an image of Neptune and Triton from last night in reasonable seeing. I recorded 8 videos over 39 minutes and merged them in Winjupos and then false-coloured the resulting image. A storm can be seen in the southern hemisphere.
Link: http://www.acquerra.au/astro/gallery/other/index.live?dir=/other&image=20230918-134600 All the best Anthony
[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ オーストラリア≫
久々の海王星。m≒7.8の明るさではファインダーでの導入が難しいけどこんな時には自動導入は有り難い! 45pの500倍では青味がった円盤状に見えるが流石に暗い。
≪Cebu PHILLIPINES 阿久津富夫≫