木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2024/11/17(UT)
阿久津富夫,堀川邦昭,高松 泉
Eric Sussenbach,Jose Alberto Berdejo,Randy Tatum,Pietro De Gregorio,Michael Wong
[Eric Sussenbach : [ Willemstad,Curacao (Dutch Caribbean)]
木星 SEB outbreak 2024-11-17UT
雨が降る前に1枚だけ撮れたSEB outbreak.
Note:The date is incorrect. The correct date is 11/17
≪Cebu PHILLIPINES 阿久津富夫≫
[Jose Alberto Berdejo:Zaragoza Spain]
≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]
≪高松 泉 : ≫[Izumi Takamatsu: Arakawa,Tokyo,Japan]
Greetings,Attached is a Jupiter image taken by Myron Wasiuta. from Charlottesville,VA.
We visually observed the rare prominent white oval and festoon in the EZs with the 26" Alvan Clark refr..
[ Randy Tatum,Richmond,VA U.S.A]
Jupiter on November 17th imaged with medium seeing,good at times,
but micro details that are difficult to resolve due to currents (jet streams) at altitude.
The North and South equatorial bands are very active,highlighting the large red spot and the moon Io.,
[Pietro De Gregorio:Sorrento(Na) - Italy]
[Michael Wong,Hong Kong,China]