木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2024/11/20(UT)
森田光治,井上 修,熊森照明,鶴海敏久,堀内 直
Paco Bellido,Christopher Go,Niall MacNeill,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Paulo Casquinha,Michel Jacques Jacquesson,Christofer Mauricio Baez Jim
P.Bellido,M.Morita,Christopher Go,O.Inoue,N.MacNeill,T.Kumamori,T.Tsurumi,T.Horiuchi,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Casquinha,Michel.J,C.Baez
[ Paco Bellido :Cordoba Spain]
不安定な大気でシーイングはよくなかったが,SEB outbreakとGRSの通過のタイミングでした。
≪滋賀県守山市 森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]
Conditions were a bit unstable today.
It was very windy and I had to image Jupiter while it was still low in the sky to capture the SEB outbreak.
As expected the SEB outbreak continues to develop. Note the dark streak on the p side of this outbreak.
Is this dark streak an interaction between the outbreak and the SED?
Note also the white circular feature on the mid-EZ a little to the left above the SEB outbreak.
The NEB has a lot of complex rifts and some outbreak. A large white oval can be seen in the north pole.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
≪大阪府 枚方市 井上 修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]
I was somewhat amused to see Chris' superb images of Jupiter and to realise
that one of his images was captured just 4 mins before mine. I rated my
seeing at 5/10,but if his is only 7-8/10,then I should pull mine down to
2-3/10. The comparison is rather laughable and may explain why I don't
waste my time much on Jupiter,these days. At a maximum altitude of 34
degrees (see the attached image of my C14 in action),the seeing is just
not good enough at my location to resolve much and I have tried now
multiple times.
And so it seems that as Jupiter swings around the ecliptic,there are those
like Chris,near the Equator and in favourable locations from an average
seeing perspective,where the planets always maintain a good altitude and
can be imaged consistently well from year to year. For those of us to the
North or South,we can produce good images when the planet is on our side
of the Celestial Equator. I wondered why there were so few images
coming out of the Northern hemisphere 5 years ago and now I fully
understand why. In this game what goes around comes around,literally and
metaphorically. Mars represents the same sort of challenge for me until the
end of the decade.
[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
≪岡山県岡山市 鶴海敏久≫[Toshihisa Tsurumi:Okayama-City Okayama-Prefecture Japan]
《京都府宇治市、堀内直》[T.Horiuchi: Uji- City Kyoto Japan]
[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]
(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha Palmela,Portugal]
[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]
Christofer Mauricio Baez Jimenez |
[Christofer Mauricio Baez Jimenez :Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.]