木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2024/12/28(UT)
和田 繁,長瀬雅明,森田光治,佐藤康明,熊森照明,栗栖 茂,鈴木 隆,阿久津富夫
Paulo Casquinha,Mike Wolle,Jacques VAN DER MEER,Aldo Tonon,Olivier Meeckers,Andy Casely,Robert Reitsam,Michael Barbieri,Laurent Dulbecco,Uwe Meiling,Michael Karrer
SH.Wada,M.Nagase,M.Morita,Y.Sato,P.Casquinha,T.Kumamori,S.Kurisu,T.Suzuki,T.Akutsu,M.Wolle,J.VAN DER MEER,A.Tonon,O.Meeckers,A.Casely,R.Reitsam,M.Barbieri,L.Dulbecco,U.Meiling,M.Karrer
[Shigeru Wada: Takatsuki City,Osaka,Japan]
≪大阪府高槻市 和田 繁≫
[Masaaki Nagase,Kawasaki-City,Japan]
≪滋賀県守山市 森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]
[Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa-prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県相模原市 佐藤康明≫
(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha Palmela,Portugal]
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
昨夜は雲が多かったものの比較的気流が良好な時間帯あり、MID-SEB outbreakの明るい白斑や微妙な色彩が興味深かったです。
[Shigeru Kurisu,Mitoyo Kagawa,Japan]
[Takashi Suzuki (Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)]
≪東京都八王子市 鈴木 隆≫
雲が多かったが、少し晴れてMid SEB outbreak付近が撮れた。
≪Cebu PHILLIPINES 阿久津富夫≫
[Mike Wolle : Austria ]
[Jacques VAN DER MEER: La Ciotat (13) France]
[Aldo Tonon : Turin,Italy]
[Olivier Meeckers : Charneux,Belgium]
It has been a long time since my last Jupiter image! Jupiter is very low in unsteady summer skies here,
and my opportunities have been few.
I got a chance on the 28th,and it was nice to see the old friend on screen again.
Seeign was not great,and surface heat haze is ever-present here on summer evenings,
but there are a few details visible,with Oval BA past the meridian.
I'm sure others have imaged in much higher resolution and more recently,
but the convoluted wavy north edge of the SEB in the methane band (also prominent in IR)
seemed quite noticeable to me compared to last year's images,
presumably a result of the various disturbances that have been occurring.
An S4 AWO is visible at the far south,possibly the S4 LRS.
Clear,steady skies to all and I hope you're having a good festive season if you are celebrating!
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]
[Robert Reitsam:Berchtesgaden,Germany]
[Michael Barbieri : Villafranca di Verona,Italy]
[Laurent Dulbecco : Dusseldorf,Germany]
[Uwe Meiling : Zellewitz,Germany]
[Michael Karrer : St.Radegund,Austria]