火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2024/07/05(UT)
井上 修,安達 誠,尾崎公一
Clyde Foster,Franco Reali

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Clyde Foster
Decent conditions continued as I moved onto Mars this morning.
Valles Marineris is central,with Solis Lacus above centre and Aurorae Sinus left of centre.

[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Franco Reali

[Franco Reali : Prato Italy]

Makoto Adachi
〇大きな暗色模様はすべて見えている。Syrtis Major (293W,+0~20)の先端は、シーイングが悪いとかき消されて見えにくくなる。
〇Hellas (275~315W,-30~60)は、北西部が明るく見えるが、円形の姿ははっきりは見えない。中央南のZea (W300,-590)は、シーイングが良い時にかろうじて見えた。
〇Hellespontus (325W~345W,-30~-60)は見えない。6月末のダストストームの影響だろう。
〇Aeria (W300-W330,+40-0)は明るいが赤っぽくない。ダストのベールに覆われているのだろうと思う。
〇Sinus Sabaeus (320W~350W,-10)は暗く目立つ。Pandorae Fretum (330W-10W,-23)付近は薄暗く見える。

〇SPC looked small and clear when seeing was good,but when seeing was bad it was obscured and no longer visible. The surroundings looked whitish due to the white clouds.
〇All of the large dark patterns were visible. The tip of Syrtis Major (293W,+0~20) was obscured and difficult to see when seeing was bad.
〇The northwestern part of Hellas (275~315W,-30~60) looked bright,but its circular shape was not clearly visible. Zea (W300,-590) in the south-central area was barely visible when seeing was good.
〇Hellespontus (325W~345W,-30~-60) was not visible. This was probably due to the dust storm at the end of June.
〇Aeria (W300-W330,+40-0) was bright but not reddish. I think it was covered by a veil of dust.
〇Sinus Sabaeus (320W~350W,-10) is dark and stands out. The area around Pandorae Fretum (330W-10W,-23) looks dim.
〇NPR is whitish and bright,but not yet bright enough to stand out.

≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

Kimikazu Ozaki

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section