火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2024/09/02(UT)
荒川 毅,森田光治,井上 修,眞島清人,石橋力,安達 誠
Laurent Dulbecco,Clyde Foster,Johan Warell
Click the link below to open the Comment(PDF File) by Makoto Adachi on a new page.
解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
[Laurent Dulbecco : Dusseldorf,Germany]
≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]
≪滋賀県守山市 森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]
≪大阪府 枚方市 井上 修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]
[眞島清人 : Kiyoto Mashima,Naha,Okinawa,Japan]
OPHIRが明るいようです。SOLIS LACUSの南のTHAUMASIA付近は暗くなってBOSPOROSと繋がっているのでしょうか。
(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県 相模原市 石橋力≫
≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]
Busy trying to catch up on a few days of processing backlog,as we had a friend staying over for the last few days.
Mare Cimmerium is above centre,with the Elysium region at lower left/centre.
With Mars slowly increasing in size,I have retained the 1.5x drizzle,but have removed the additional 1.4x resize I have been using.
[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]
Here's a batch of Mars images from August and September made with a new mono camera, ASI462MM which from now on replaces the 462MC. RGB images were obtained through a set of Meade interference filters until Sept 19, which was shot with a set of ZWO "new" RGB interference filters. These have higher throughput, better color balancing and apparently better optical quality than the Meades.
The NPH was large and bright on all dates and it looks like the brightness has gradually increased. I missed the storm activity in August due to telluric clouds, but Hellas was whitish bright on the morning limb on Aug 27. Seeing has continued to be poor, unfortunately.
[Johan Warell:Lindby:Sweden]