天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Uranus Image 2004/08/20(UT)
Richard Bosman
Richard Bosman(280mm SC:ATK-2HS)

here a picture of Uranus.
Not a lot of detail but is nice round.
He is 3'',6 and in Holland 28 ' above the surface .
Difficultys the bad seeing and Uranus low on the surface.
Becauce the low detail is hard to get sharp image and also to the best expossure.
Over expossure Uranus is to big (over 3'',6) .
So I do my best to get a compromie in this.
Image with ATK-2HS ( 30 frames from 1 second )and 3x TV barlow and anti-dispersion wedge.
Vriendelijke groeten Richard Bosman
[Richard Bosman: Netherlands]