天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Uranus Image 2004/08/23(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh,seung-yong choi
Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-2C)

This is a second image on high color contrast,
and may show some contrastfeatures in the
polar regions.

Here are some new Uranus observations from Aug. 23, the quality may now beats my Aug. 12 image.
Though the air wasn't better then during the Aug 12 image,it has much similarity with it.
The lefter image shows the real color without any saturation or filter-use,the righter is with more blue-
addition and shows that possible albedo features may have more contrast in this color/filterin
Now the atmophere needed exposuretimes over 1 sec.
I used a resolution of 0,25´´/pixel,exactly the ideal sampling for a 10 inch telescope.
The image in the primairy focus at f/4,8 shows some moons and Uranus in the field of stars
the ATK reveals the brightest moons from about 3 sec exposuretime for magn. 14.
Visuall observations:
One day earlier, on Aug.22, I spend a night observing Uranus at the eyepiece.The seeing was
very good,there were some cirrus clouds and no wind.Looking minute after minute with
enough rest between the periods,the small Uranus disk was a real challange for me to see
any detail,as it is very difficult,but more then one time I saw a really bright zone,and incredible
as it is,I believe that I saw it really curved.Other structures are hard to go for,maybe some
bright structure on the other side of the disk and some contrast in the center of the disk,just
like most black&white amateur images of Uranus shows.For this observations I used a 7mm
orthoscopic eyepiece at 500x magnification.
[Ralf Vandebergh:neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]
透明度はさほど良いとは思われなかったが、 8 月 12 日と同様な空でした。
0.25"/pxel で撮影しこれで、25cmで最も適した拡大率を得た。
f/4.8 の 直焦点撮影、露出3秒で撮影したもので周りの星星、や衛星を捉えた。
(衛星画像ではTitania となっていますが、Arielが正しいと思われます。 池村)
写真のように見えました。 Or5mm 700倍を使いました。
seung-yong choi (250mm Dall Kirkham : Philips ToUcam Pro)

250mm Newton (f:6) + toucam pro
seeing 3/10, trans 3/10
Ansan city. Korea
seung-yong choi