金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2004/03/30(UT)

Thomas E. Williamso


Thomas E. Williamson(203 mm Newtonian: ToUcam Pro)
These images were obtained with my 8" f/7 Newtonian and a Philips ToUcam Pro
webcam, all through an IR blocker at about f/35.

The upper pair of images are an RGB image (left) and just the blue channel.

The bottom pair of images are through a W47 filter (left) and just the blue
channel of that image (that is, filtered through the W47 and the camera's
blue filters).

There appears to be a hint of cloud detail but nothing as obvious as what
Christophe and Frank (among others) have been obtaining. They appear to show
brighter polar regions with darkenings at temporate latitudes converging to
the right.

I'm a bit dissapointed but I'll keep experimenting.
[ Thomas E. Williamson Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section