金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2004/03/29(UT)

Christophe Pellier


Christophe Pellier (C14 ; ATK-1HS)
Hi all, last images before the rain ;-))
Visually, the polar cusps were bright as seen through the W47. The
visibility of those cusps looks related to their prominence in the UV
images, so it argues in favor of the reality of what I saw (the W47 images in CCD show the same details than the UV filter).
Also, the venusian terminator looked completely straight (still in visual).
In the images it's already curved as a crescent, but some signal is lost near the terminator due to the processing.
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section