その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Iss and STS-122 Image 2008/02/16(UT)

Riccardo Di Nasso

Riccardo Di Nasso ( 100mm ED )
.. after 2 years that I pursued this photo with various cameras,
finally the new nikon D300 has given me the first great satisfaction.
"the transit of the space station with the space shuttle on the sun".
Saturday February 16 th 2008 the sun shine on the whole Tuscan even if
a strong wind threatened the release, without losing me heart and assembled
at the most, I have check every day the coordinates of transit of the space
station. The speed of the space station is of 7.684 Km / and the  window of release lasts only 
0.8 seconds! And i' is an only instant  which to have taken back that small space station where 
the  astranautis there "they look" from so tall, for once you has made me  feel great.

[Riccardo Di Nasso,Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2008/03/11 [Moon,Mercury,Venus]
2008/02/11 [ISS/Atlantis STS122/Progress P27]