First Venus observation of the 2010 Eastern elongation. I have viewed Venus a few times this apparition with binoculars, and this is my first telescopic view of the planet this year. The planet was quite low down and viewed through gaps in the trees, none the less the image was suffciently clear enough for a disk drawing to be made.
Illuminated disk: There appeared to be two dark patches on the planet, one in the north and one in the south with a bright region in between. the patches were greyish in colour and faded out towards the bright limb. The bright region in the centre was almost as bright (if not as bright) as the limb band.
Unilluminated disk: Not visible.
Limb Band: Both visible and Complete.
Terminator: Geometrically regular
Cusp Regions. I had the distinct impression that the southern cusp region was brighter than the north (both were present). I was unable to observe either cusp collar.
[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]