金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2012/03/08(UT)

Stanislas Maksmowicz,Rudolf A.Hillebrecht

Stanislas Maksymowicz (127mm refracter)

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

Rudolf A. Hillebrecht (235mm SC)
image data:
2012 / 03 / 08  single times under image  /  Dia 19,63"  Illum: 60,36 %  /  C 
9.25 (235mm SC) @ ~f:38; DMK 31
Seeing:  2-3/10   Tansp. 5-7/10    IR-Pass from Baader / Schuler UV / 
RGB-Combination of  IR, UV/IR mix as G and UV.
c 2012   Rudolf A. Hillebrecht / Grasweg-Sternwarte

[Rudolf A.Hillebrecht: Bad Gandersheim,Germany ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section