金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2012/05/11(UT)

David Arditti,Carl Roussell,Christian Viladrich

David Arditti (356mm SC)
Last night I observed Venus visually and via CCD in a dark blue sky (it's now
too close to the Sun to be observed against a black sky at reasonable altitude),
looking for any illumination of the dark side,but saw none. With CCD I tried
with every colour filter and none,monitoring the overexposed image for any sign
of the Ashen Light. Here is the IR 742nm image. Seeing was poor.

[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]

Carl Roussell(150mm F8 refractor)
2012/05/11  22:48 UT
15cm f/8 RR  200X - 400X
See: 7/10  Trans: Clear
Dia: 44.7"  Phase: 0.17
CM1: 309  CM2: 054

[ Carl Roussell : Hamilton Canada]

Christian Viladrich (356mm SC 150mm TOA APO refractor))
taken in UV light

[Christian Viladrich : Jongieux,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section