V ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2015/11/14(UT)
Randy B.Christensen,Milika-Nicholas
Randy B. Christensen(356mm SC) |
2015-11-14-06:50:34 UT
356 mm Schmidt-Cassegrain (C14 Edge HD) : ASI224MC Baader IR685 filter
Seeing 6-7/10,Trans 4/5
[Randy B. Christensen,Livermore,California,US]
Milika-Nicholas (355mm SCT) |
As noted in our latest Neptune image report we have found the 570nm filter
quite good at revealing banding on Uranus & the success with a storm spot on
Neptune further enhances its' credibility for us: the much greater light
throughput certainly raises the frame-rate significantly for captures of
both planets.
[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]