y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/07/28(UT)

Clyde Foster,Carlos Alberto Palhares,Daniele Papa,Trevor Barry

Clyde Foster
R and IR captures from last night under moderate jet stream conditions.
In the R,there may be a hint of a southern belt,and I am wondering if the dark area under the rings is the shadow appearing,
or a contrast effect? In hindsight,I may have overcooked the IR processing a bit too much.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Carlos Alberto Palhares
200% Resized

[Carlos Alberto Palhares,MOnte Carmelo,MG,Brazil ]

Daniele Papa
SCT 11",ZWO ASI 224mc,Seeing 7/10

[Daniele Papa : Agropoli(SA),Italy]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn July 28th in mostly fair seeing but still the jet stream is quite detrimental to my attempts to resolve small scale detail. Two ripples on the edge of the EZ impinging up into the NEB are well resolved at all wavelengths. I measure these ripples to be at approx Lat+15.6 L1 59.6 and Lat+15.4 L1 35.3. These data cover 1 hour 58 minutes of Saturn rotation and with Saturn only four days from opposition the rings, especially in the RGB data are brighter than in my July 25th data, no doubt due to the Seeliger effect which should be at max at opposition.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section