土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2021/08/06(UT)
Jacques VAN DER MEER,Mark Lonsdale
Y.Takao,J.VAN DER MEER,N.Minagawa,M.Lonsdale,T.Ishibashi
<<北海道札幌市 高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]
[Jacques VAN DER MEER: La Ciotat (13) France]
≪東京都 立川市 皆川伸也≫[Nobuya Minagawa:Tokyo Japan]
Seeing was quite poor for this image,and I submit it only because there seemed to be a disturbance on the edge of the polar hexagon,
a sort of dent or notch out of its southern edge,which I have tried to highlight by hyper-sharpening the polar projection on the right.〓
I am not convinced this is real,but have not yet seen an image from others in better conditions at the same CM value,
that would allow me to rule it out.
[Mark Lonsdale : [Canberra,Australia]
(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県 相模原市 石橋力≫