2023/09/19 -- | Request from Dr. Amy A Simon (GSFC) 09/19
2022/07/12 -- | Neptune image from James webb 2022/07/12 by L.S.Viola
2019/09/19 -- | Neptune spectroscopy and photometry 2019/09/19 by Christophe.P
2019/12/04 -- | Announcement of Neptune and Spots by M.Delcroix
2019/09/04 -- | Neptune spectroscopy and photometry 2019/09/04 by Christophe.P
2019/08/22 -- | Neptune spectroscopy and photometry 2019/08/22 by Christophe.P
2019/01/03 -- | Neptune full spectra 2018 January 03 + Uranus comparison by Christophe.P
2018/11/18 -- | Neptune Spectra 2018 November 18th by Christophe.P
2015/08/26 -- | New ephemeris for 2015 spotA : 2015/08/26 by Marc Delcroix