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ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Report 2004/01/05

Saturn dark Spot tracked and Saturn polar spot by Damian Peach

Saturn dark Spot tracked by Damian Peach
Hi all,
Upon receiving Ikemura's images of Jan 4th, i suspected that a small dark spot present
at -31 deg was present. Images obtained by Jesus Sanchez on Jan 5th confirm the feature.
I suspect it may well be the same dark spot i captured back on
Dec 16th (perhaps Agustin has data on dark spots at this latitude?.)
Peach.    2003/12/16 00:42 UT. L3=340.0
Ikemura.  2004/01/04 13:39 UT. L3=335.0
Sanchez.  2004/01/05 00:39 UT. L3=333.4
If it is the same feature as captured on Dec 16th, it is drifting at -9.9 degrees/month
vs Sys III. Perhaps the recent HST imagery has captured this feature?.
Best Wishes,

          Saturn polar spot.
Hi all,
Christophe Pellier recently alerted me to a spot i had possibly imaged on Dec 16th. I attach a small
animation of the polar region. The seems to be a dark spot present at the boundary of the dark Polar
cap, seen to rotate with the images.
Such a feature was also image by HST on Dec 5th at a similar wavelength (both are in red light.)
Best Wishes,

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section