Saturn Section of ALPO-Japan-Latest
土星の最新観測報告 Saturn Observations
ALPO-Japan Latest Home Saturn Reports by |
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It is strongly discouraged Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools applied in planetary image processing.
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Reported images processed with AI tools might be removed from ALPO-Japan database.
- "South-up" clause was deleted according to agreement in ALPO-Japan meeting on March 17, 2019.
All images sent by observers are uploaded as they are regardless of their orientations.
- YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss(UT) I hope in this form. or I permit this form YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm.m.
The observation time is made center time of the exposure, and accuracy recommends within 20 seconds.
報告の撮影時刻の推奨精度は20秒以内です。 hh:mm:ss をお勧めします。分の小数第1位まででも可とします。
2025/02/09 by | S.Ito 02/10
2025/02/06 by | E.Morales 02/09
2025/01/31 by | E.Morales
2025/01/26 by | C.Foster
2025/01/24 by | S.Ito
2025/01/23 by | C.Foster
2025/01/22 by | E.Morales
2025/01/19 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2025/01/18 by | S.Ito,V.Gonzalez,T.Kumamori
2025/01/16 by | C.Foster,E.Morales
2025/01/15 by | M.Wong,C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2025/01/14 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2025/01/13 by | S.Ito
2025/01/12 by | C.Foster
2025/01/10 by | C.Foster
2025/01/09 by | Kardasis
2025/01/08 by | E.Morales
2025/01/07 by | T.Akutsu,C.Foster,Kardasis
2025/01/06 by | Kardasis
2025/01/05 by | T.Ishibashi,S.Ito
2025/01/02 by | E.Morales,Kardasis
2025/01/01 by | C.Foster,Kardasis
2024/12/30 by | M.Karrer
2024/12/29 by | S.Ito
2024/12/27 by | C.Foster,L.Dulbecco
2024/12/26 by | C.Foster
2024/12/23 by | C.Foster
2024/12/22 by | F.Melillo,J.Sussenbach
2024/12/22 -- | Saturn-Ring Brightness Change in 2024 by S.Watanabe
2024/12/21 by | V.Gonzalez
2024/12/20 by | V.Gonzalez
2024/12/18 by | L.S.Viola
2024/12/17 by | T.Ishibashi,C.Foster,T.Olivetti,S.Ito
2024/12/16 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/12/15 by | C.Foster,C.Triana
2024/12/14 by | V.Gonzalez,F.Melillo
2024/12/13 by | C.Foster
2024/12/11 by | E.Morales
2024/12/09 by | C.Foster
2024/12/08 by | T.Tsurumi,C.Foster,S.Ito
2024/12/07 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola
2024/12/06 by | F.Melillo,C.Foster,E.Morales
2024/12/05 by | V.Gonzalez,L.S.Viola,K.Ozaki
2024/12/04 by | Y.Sato,C.Foster,K.Ozaki
2024/12/03 by | S.Ito,K.Ozaki
2024/12/02 by | N.Minagawa,T.Ishibashi,T.Kumamori,M.Morita,K.Ozaki
2024/12/01 by | S.Ito,N.Minagawa,V.Gonzalez,T.Suzuki,Y.Takao,K.Ozaki
2024/11/30 by | E.Sussenbach
2024/11/29 by | T.Akutsu,K.Ozaki
2024/11/28 by | Y.Takao
2024/11/27 by | V.Gonzalez,K.Ozaki
2024/11/25 by | Y.Sato,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki,E.Morales
2024/11/24 by | K.Ozaki
2024/11/23 by | K.Ozaki,V.Gonzalez
2024/11/22 by | V.Gonzalez,T.Murata,E.Morales
2024/11/21 by | S.Ito,T.Ishibashi,Y.Sato
2024/11/20 by | C.Baez
2024/11/18 by | V.Gonzalez
2024/11/17 by | A.Berdejo,Y.Sato,V.Gonzalez
2024/11/16 by | E.Sussenbach,V.della Vecchia,F.Reali,F.Melillo,M.Karrer
2024/11/14 by | E.Morales
2024/11/13 by | E.Morales
2024/11/12 by | K.Ozaki
2024/11/11 by | Y.Takao,T.Kumamori,Christopher Go,V.Gonzalez
2024/11/10 by | F.Melillo
2024/11/09 by | S.Ito,L.Morrone,K.Ozaki,D.Papa
2024/11/08 by | Y.Sato,C.Kolivas
2024/11/07 by | A.Berdejo
2024/11/06 by | T.Olivetti,V.della Vecchia,L.Morrone,K.Ozaki
2024/11/05 by | E.Sussenbach
2024/11/04 by | T.Ishibashi,V.della Vecchia,C.Kolivas
2024/11/03 by | M.Morita,S.Ito,Y.Sato,I.Takamatsu,K.Ozaki,T.Olivetti,L.Dulbecco,F.Melillo
2024/11/02 by | E.Morales
2024/11/01 by | C.Fattinnanzi,A.Vaccaro,Christopher Go,C.Kolivas
2024/10/31 by | L.Morrone
2024/10/30 by | T.Olivetti,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki,A.Casely
2024/10/29 by | C.Fattinnanzi,Y.Takao
2024/10/28 by | R.Sedrani
2024/10/27 by | L.Morrone,E.Morales
2024/10/26 by | Y.Takao
2024/10/25 by | L.Dulbecco
2024/10/24 by | T.Olivetti,L.S.Viola,M.Hood
2024/10/23 by | F.Melillo,L.Dulbecco,J.VAN DER MEER,M.Rodriguez,Ortega,M.Phillips
2024/10/22 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Foster,M.Rodriguez,A.Casely,R.Tatum,M.Phillips
2024/10/21 by | F.Melillo,C.Foster,P.Abel,M.Rodriguez,R.Tatum
2024/10/20 by | Y.Takao,C.Foster,R.Tatum
2024/10/19 by | F.Melillo,C.Foster
2024/10/18 by | C.Foster
2024/10/17 by | N.Minagawa,C.Foster,Y.Takao,E.Morales
2024/10/16 by | Christopher Go,S.Ito,Y.Takao,C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2024/10/15 by | V.Gonzalez
2024/10/14 by | S.Ito,L.Dulbecco,C.Kolivas
2024/10/13 by | E.Sussenbach,SH.Wada,S.Ito,T.Murata,Y.Takao
2024/10/12 by | T.Ohsugi,SH.Wada,Y.Sato,S.Ito,M.Morita,M.Nagase,C.Kolivas,T.Ishibashi,F.Melillo,I.Bouhras,T.Nishioka,E.Morales,A.Vaccaro,I.Takamatsu
2024/10/11 by | T.Tsurumi,T.Kumamori,L.Dulbecco,E.Morales
2024/10/10 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki,A.Casely
2024/10/09 by | M.Morita
2024/10/08 by | C.Kolivas,Y.Takao
2024/10/07 by | Christopher Go
2024/10/06 by | M.Morita,T.Akutsu,R.Tatum
2024/10/05 by | M.Morita,Y.Takao,E.Morales
2024/10/04 by | C.Foster,F.Melillo,C.Baez
2024/10/03 by | I.Bouhras,P.Chatelain
2024/10/02 by | E.Morales,C.Kolivas
2024/10/01 by | S.Ito,M.Nagase,Y.Sato,T.Kumamori,T.Tsurumi,T.Murata,M.Rodriguez
2024/09/30 by | SH.Wada,M.Morita,A.Berdejo,S.Ito,T.Tsurumi,V.Gonzalez,S.Watanabe,M.Rodriguez
2024/09/29 by | C.Kolivas,A.Berdejo,V.Gonzalez
2024/09/28 by | Y.Takao,T.Olivetti,JL Dauvergne
2024/09/27 by | T.Kumamori,S.Watanabe,C.Kolivas
2024/09/26 by | SH.Wada
2024/09/25 by | M.Morita,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/09/24 by | M.Morita,S.Ito,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/09/23 by | M.Morita,A.Berdejo,T.Usude,L.Dulbecco,Y.Takao,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/09/22 by | Christopher Go,C.Kolivas,E.Morales
2024/09/21 by | M.Karrer,R.Sedrani
2024/09/20 by | M.Morita,R.Tatum,S.Ito,N.Minagawa,I.Takamatsu,C.Foster,G.T.Shanos
2024/09/19 by | S.Ito,E.Morales,P.Chatelain
2024/09/18 by | S.Ito,A.Berdejo,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/09/17 by | SH.Wada,M.Morita
2024/09/16 by | T.Ohsugi,E.Sussenbach,P.Abel
2024/09/15 by | A.Cidadao,R.Tatum,V.Gonzalez,C.Triana
2024/09/14 by | J.Fuertes,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Chatelain
2024/09/14 -- | Anomalous glow in the equatorial belt of Saturn by A.Pozharov
2024/09/13 by | S.Ito,T.Ohsugi,T.Kumamori,E.Morales,A.Hatanaka,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Chatelain
2024/09/12 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Sprianu,M.Lonsdale,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/09/11 by | N.Minagawa,T.Ishibashi,R.Tatum
2024/09/10 by | M.Morita,L.S.Viola,T.Murata,Y.Kanai,M.Nagase,F.Reali,E.Morales,C.Baez,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/09/09 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,C.Kolivas,T.Kumamori
2024/09/08 by | M.Morita,N A.Arias,D_J.Kim,E.Morales
------------2024/09/45 04:28(UT) --- Opposition ------衝-----赤道視直径19.2" |
2024/09/07 by | M.Morita,Christopher_Go,O.Inoue,Y.Sato,T.Suzuki,A.Cidadao,T.Tsurumi,M.Karrer,T.Williamson,T.Murata,T.Kumamori,K.Nishida,M.Buechner,D.Papa,N.Minagawa
2024/09/06 by | N.Minagawa,S.Ito,M.Morita,T.Suzuki,T.Kumamori,T.Tsurumi,T.Nishioka,R.Tatum,I.Takamatsu,E.Morales,T.Yamaguchi
2024/09/05 by | L.S.Viola,M.Morita,T.Ishibashi,T.Kumamori,N A.Arias,Y.Kanai
2024/09/04 by | L.S.Viola,T.Williamson
2024/09/03 by | M.Morita,T.Kumamori,M.Karrer,M.Lonsdale
2024/09/02 by | L.Dulbecco,M.Morita,T.Ishibashi
2024/09/01 by | M.Karrer,T.Tsurumi,S.Watanabe
2024/08/31 by | G.Rizzato,M.Morita,J.Luis,V.Mirabella,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/30 by | V.Mirabella,P.Micca,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/29 by | D.Peach
2024/08/28 by | L.Dulbecco,M.Karakas,V.della Vecchia,Y.Takao,R.Cantemir,E.Morales,P.Chatelain
2024/08/27 by | T.Kumamori,T.Hansen
2024/08/26 by | J.VAN DER MEER,P.D.Gregorio
2024/08/25 by | G.Rizzato,A.Berdejo,P.Micca,P.Chatelain
2024/08/24 by | L.Morrone,Y.Takao,P.Abel
2024/08/23 by | R.Tatum,T.Ohsugi,J.Luis,M.Morita,T.Suzuki,A.Lasala,P.D.Gregorio,M.Karrer,P.Micca
2024/08/22 by | T.Kumamori,L.Morrone,E.Morales,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Chatelain
2024/08/22 -- | Saturn from 2019 to 2014 by L.Morrone
2024/08/20 by | S.Ito,P.Abel,C.Fattinnanzi,E.Morales
2024/08/19 by | S.Watanabe,P.Chatelain
2024/08/18 by | L.S.Viola,E.Sussenbach,M.Morita,Y.Sato,C.Kolivas,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/17 by | L.S.Viola,M.Morita,T.Tsurumi,S.Ito,T.Kumamori,T.Nishioka,D.Papa,M.Barbieri,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/16 by | T.Akutsu,M.Phillips,R.Tatum,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/15 by | S.Ito,L.Morrone,M.Karrer,H.Akutsu
2024/08/14 by | S.Watanabe
2024/08/13 by | N.Minagawa,M.Morita,S.Ito,T.Nishioka,T.Kumamori
2024/08/12 by | T.Suzuki,M.Karakas,T.Akutsu,S.Ito,J.Sussenbach,C.Kolivas,R.Sedrani
2024/08/11 by | E.Sussenbach,M.Morita,O.Meeckers,M.Karakas,T.Ishibashi,Y.Takao,C.Baez,C.Kolivas
2024/08/10 by | N A.Arias,J.VAN DER MEER,M.Morita,M.Karakas,T.Arakawa,T.Tsurumi,M.Hood,C.Kolivas
2024/08/09 by | M.Morita,S.Ito,C.Baez,S.Watanabe,P.Chatelain
2024/08/08 by | E.Sussenbach,S.Watanabe
2024/08/07 by | M.Morita,P.D.Gregorio,K.Sasaki,C.Bauer,T.Kumamori,R.Sedrani,A.Casely
2024/08/06 by | L.Dulbecco,A.Lasala,F.Reali,C.Bauer,P.Cambre,R.Cantemir,V.da Silva Jr.,S.Watanabe
2024/08/05 by | E.Grafton,M.Rosolina,V.da Silva Jr.,C.Kolivas,P.Chatelain
2024/08/04 by | M.Wolle,K.Sasaki,E.Morales,S.Watanabe
2024/08/03 by | J.Warell,H.Hashino,T.Ishibashi,M.Morita,N.Minagawa,M.Wong,M.Hood,S.Watanabe,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/02 by | M.Morita,S.Kanno,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/08/01 by | G.Grassmann,E.Grafton,F.Reali,M.Karakas,M.Morita,V.Mirabella,E.Sussenbach,J.Warell,S.Watanabe,R.Sedrani
2024/07/31 by | M.Wolle,JMP,K.Sasaki,M.Morita,T.Kumamori,C.Bauer,E.Morales,S.Watanabe,R.Cantemir
2024/07/30 by | J.Sussenbach,E.Sussenbach,V.della Vecchia,P.Chatelain
2024/07/29 by | C.Sprianu,N.Minagawa,J.Sussenbach,M.Morita,A.Lasala
2024/07/28 by | V.Mirabella,D.Papa,R.Tatum,M.Morita,T.Kumamori,P.D.Gregorio,D.Peach,R.Sedrani,E.Morales
2024/07/27 by | J.VAN DER MEER,M.Morita,S.Ito,V.Mirabella,F.Reali,T.Tsurumi,M.Wolle,A.Lasala,S.Watanabe
2024/07/26 by | M.Wolle,C.Foster,A.Lasala
2024/07/25 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Foster,A.Lasala,M.Morita,C.Kolivas
2024/07/24 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Foster,G.Grassmann,P.D.Gregorio,A.Lasala,D.Peach
2024/07/23 by | R.Sedrani,C.Foster,N.Minagawa,T.Suzuki,M.Nagase,V.da Silva Jr.,J.Warell,E.Morales
2024/07/22 by | M.Morita,H.Hashino,T.Ishibashi,N.MacNeill
2024/07/21 by | M.Buechner,E.Grafton,M.Morita,T.Kumamori,N.Minagawa,J.Warell
2024/07/20 by | C.Foster,L.Dulbecco,J.Sussenbach,J.Warell
2024/07/19 by | L.Dulbecco,L.Morrone,V.della Vecchia,M.Morita,F.Reali,D.Peach,J.Sussenbach,T.Hansen,J.Warell
2024/07/18 by | Camilo,J.Luis,L.Dulbecco,V.Mirabella,A.Lasala,M.Morita,M.Nagase,D.Papa,P.D.Gregorio,J.Sussenbach
2024/07/17 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Foster,A.Lasala
2024/07/16 by | M.Wolle,L.Morrone,C.Foster,F.Melillo,A.Lasala,F.Reali,G.Walker,J.VAN DER MEER,E.Grafton,M.Rosolina,V.Mirabella,R.Sedrani
2024/07/15 by | V.della Vecchia,C.Foster,L.Dulbecco,A.Lasala,G.Walker
2024/07/14 by | S.Ota,N A.Arias,L.Yasutake,J.Sussenbach
2024/07/13 by | V.Mirabella,M.Hood,M.Lonsdale
2024/07/12 by | F.Reali,S.Ito,K.Sasaki,C.Foster,K.Ozaki,M.Hood
2024/07/11 by | C.Foster,J.Sussenbach
2024/07/10 by | V.della Vecchia,A.Lasala,M.Karrer,E.Grafton,T.Akutsu
2024/07/09 by | M.Karakas,R.Cantemir,F.Reali,A.Hatanaka
2024/07/08 by | H.Hashino,C.Foster,A.Lasala,K.Ozaki
2024/07/08 -- | Comparison of Colors of Saturn in 2009 and 2024 byT.Akutsu
2024/07/08 -- | Change in the tilt of the Rings from 2001 to 2024 from 2001 byT.Akutsu
2024/07/07 by | L.Dulbecco,C.Foster,T.Olivetti,M.Morita,T.Akutsu
2024/07/06 by | SH.Wada,S.Ito,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/07/05 by | C.Foster,M.Karakas,H.Hashino,F.Reali,K.Ozaki
2024/07/04 by | T.Suzuki,S.Ito,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/07/03 by | M.Morita,C.Kolivas
2024/07/02 by | C.Kolivas,K.Sasaki
2024/06/30 by | M.Karakas,C.Foster,C.Baez,M.Phillips
2024/06/29 by | M.Wolle,L.Morrone,Christopher Go,L.Dulbecco,K.Sasaki,R.Sedrani
2024/06/28 by | F.Reali,R.Sedrani
2024/06/27 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu,R.Sedrani
2024/06/26 by | N.MacNeill,L.Dulbecco,J.Sussenbach
2024/06/25 by | C.Foster,E.Grafton,L.Dulbecco
2024/06/24 by | E.Grafton,D.Peach,L.Dulbecco
2024/06/23 by | C.Foster,E.Grafton,M.Lonsdale,A.Casely
2024/06/22 by | C.Foster,R.Sedrani
2024/06/21 by | J.Luis,K.Suzuki,T.Akutsu
2024/06/20 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/06/19 by | C.Foster,K.Suzuki,Christopher Go,M.Nagase,K.Sasaki,T.Akutsu,R.Sedrani
2024/06/18 by | L.Morrone,C.Foster,T.Suzuki,N.MacNeill,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/06/17 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu,R.Sedrani
2024/06/16 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,E.Morales
2024/06/15 by | J.Luis,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/06/14 by | C.Foster,M.Wolle,V.Gonzalez,F.Melillo,C.Kolivas,S.Ito,T.Akutsu,K.Ozaki,M.Karakas
2024/06/13 by | C.Foster,J.Luis,M.Morita,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki,T.Nishioka
2024/06/12 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2024/06/11 by | C.Foster,H.Hashino,K.Sasaki
2024/06/10 by | T.Akutsu,K.Sasaki
2024/06/09 by | C.Foster,I.Bouhras,T.Akutsu,M.Hood
2024/06/08 by | T.Akutsu
2024/06/07 by | H.Hashino,M.Nagase,M.Morita,S.Ito,R.Sedrani
2024/06/06 by | L.Morrone,C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/06/05 by | C.Foster,H.Hashino,M.Morita,V.Gonzalez,S.Watanabe
2024/06/04 by | M.Morita,T.Akutsu,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/06/03 by | M.Morita,T.Akutsu,K.Ozaki,S.Watanabe
2024/06/02 by | V.Gonzalez
2024/06/01 by | Christopher Go
2024/05/31 by | C.Foster,K.Ozaki
2024/05/30 by | C.Foster
2024/05/29 by | C.Foster
2024/05/28 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2024/05/27 by | C.Foster
2024/05/26 by | C.Foster
2024/05/25 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu,T.Kumamori
2024/05/23 by | C.Foster,S.Watanabe,T.Akutsu,V.da Silva Jr.
2024/05/22 by | C.Foster
2024/05/22 -- | The Colors of Saturn in 2023 by Christophe.P
2024/05/21 by | C.Foster,N.MacNeill,A.Casely
2024/05/20 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu,L.S.Viola
2024/05/19 by | C.Foster,C.Baez
2024/05/18 by | C.Foster
2024/05/17 by | M.Nagase,T.Kumamori,K.Ozaki
2024/05/16 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola,C.Kolivas
2024/05/15 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/05/14 by | K.Ozaki,K.Sasaki
2024/05/12 by | M.Lonsdale,C.Kolivas
2024/05/11 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola
2024/05/07 by | C.Foster
2024/05/06 by | T.Akutsu,C.Foster
2024/05/05 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/05/04 by | C.Foster,K.Sasaki
2024/05/03 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola,C.Kolivas,K.Ozaki
2024/05/02 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/05/01 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/30 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2024/04/29 by | C.Foster
2024/04/28 by | C.Foster,J.Luis
2024/04/28 -- | The colors of Saturn in 2022-23 (II) Photometry and images by Christophe.P
2024/04/27 by | K.Ozaki
2024/04/26 -- | Saturn apparition 2023-2024 by P.Abel
2024/04/26 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/25 by | C.Foster,K.Ozaki
2024/04/24 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/23 by | C.Foster,J.Luis
2024/04/22 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/21 by | C.Foster
2024/04/20 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/19 by | C.Foster
2024/04/18 by | C.Foster
2024/04/17 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/16 by | C.Foster
2024/04/15 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale
2024/04/14 by | C.Foster
2024/04/14 -- | The colors of Saturn in 2023 (1) Photometry and images by Christophe.P
2024/04/13 by | C.Foster
2024/04/12 by | C.Foster
2024/04/11 by | C.Foster,A.Casely
2024/04/10 by | C.Foster
2024/04/09 by | C.Foster
2024/04/08 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2024/04/06 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2024/04/02 by | C.Foster
2024/03/31 by | C.Foster
2024/03/29 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2024/03/28 by | C.Foster
2024/03/27 by | C.Foster
Archive of 2023 Saturn
------------2024/02/28 21:26(UT) --- conjunction ------合-------- |
2024/01/17 by | S.Ito
2024/01/07 by | C.Foster
2024/01/05 by | S.Ito
2024/01/04 by | S.Ito
2024/01/02 by | S.Ito
2023/12/31 by | T.Akutsu
2023/12/29 by | S.Ito
2023/12/28 by | S.Ito
2023/12/27 by | S.Ito
2023/12/26 by | S.Ito
2023/12/11 by | C.Foster,E.Sussenbach,M.Karakas
2023/12/10 by | S.Ito,T.Olivetti,C.Foster
2023/12/09 by | E.Sussenbach,M.Karakas
2023/12/08 by | S.Ito,K.Ozaki
2023/12/07 by | T.Olivetti,C.Foster
2023/12/06 by | C.Foster,C.Baez
2023/12/04 by | M.Morita
2023/12/03 by | S.Ito,C.Kolivas
2023/12/02 by | T.Kumamori,E.Sussenbach
2023/11/30 by | Kardasis,E.Morales
2023/11/28 by | S.Maksymowicz
2023/11/26 by | M.Morita,Christopher Go,E.Sussenbach,C.Foster,S.Ito
2023/11/25 by | T.Kumamori,S.Ito
2023/11/22 by | T.Kumamori,T.Olivetti,C.Foster
2023/11/21 by | T.Ishibashi,SH.Wada,M.Morita,S.Ito,T.Olivetti,T.Kumamori,C.Foster,J.Sussenbach
2023/11/20 by | Kardasis,V.Gonzalez
2023/11/19 by | T.Murata
2023/11/18 by | C.Foster
2023/11/17 by | V.Gonzalez
2023/11/15 by | S.Ito,P.Abel
2023/11/14 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,Kardasis
2023/11/13 by | F.Melillo
2023/11/12 by | T.Akutsu
2023/11/11 by | E.Morales
2023/11/09 by | T.Akutsu
2023/11/08 by | S.Ito,T.Murata,Kardasis
2023/11/07 by | Kardasis
2023/11/05 by | Christopher Go,C.Kolivas
2023/11/04 by | E.Morales
2023/11/03 by | M.Morita,F.Melillo,Y.Kanai,T.Olivetti,N.Minagawa,C.Foster,C.Baez
2023/11/02 by | Y.Sato,S.Ito,M.Morita,T.Murata,T.Nishioka
2023/11/01 by | Christopher Go,T.Akutsu
2023/10/31 by | N.Minagawa,E.Morales
2023/10/30 by | H.Akutsu
2023/10/29 by | H.Akutsu,E.Sussenbach,C.Foster
2023/10/28 by | Christopher Go
2023/10/26 by | P.Abel,C.Foster
2023/10/25 by | S.Ito,M.Hood
2023/10/24 by | S.Ito,S.Kanno
2023/10/23 by | C.Kolivas,S.Ito,T.Tsurumi,M.Wong,T.Ishibashi,T.Suzuki,T.Olivetti,M.Morita,N.Minagawa,C.Foster,T.Murata,T.Akutsu,E.Morales
2023/10/22 by | T.Ishibashi,C.Foster,Kardasis
2023/10/21 by | C.Foster
2023/10/20 by | C.Foster
2023/10/19 by | S.Ito,C.Foster,M.Morita,M.Hood
2023/10/18 by | C.Kolivas,C.Foster,M.Hood
2023/10/17 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,C.Kolivas,C.Foster
2023/10/16 by | C.Foster,T.Murata,C.Nuttall
2023/10/15 by | M.Morita,C.Foster,T.Tsurumi
2023/10/14 by | E.Sussenbach,C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2023/10/13 by | M.Morita,Kardasis,C.Foster,M.Nagase,T.Suzuki,V.Gonzalez,S.Kanno
2023/10/12 by | F.Melillo,SH.Wada,C.Foster,C.Sprianu
2023/10/11 by | SH.Wada,C.Foster,S.Ito,T.Olivetti,T.Tsurumi,N.MacNeill,V.della Vecchia,V.Gonzalez,F.Reali,M.Karrer
2023/10/10 by | C.Kolivas,V.Gonzalez,L.Simon
2023/10/09 by | E.Sussenbach,M.Lonsdale,A.Berdejo,P.Abel
2023/10/08 by | C.Kolivas,A.Berdejo,V.Gonzalez,P.Chatelain,P.William
2023/10/07 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2023/10/06 by | SH.Wada,C.Foster,Christophe.P
2023/10/05 by | C.Foster,Kardasis,R.Tatum
2023/10/04 by | Kardasis,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu,F.Melillo,V.Gonzalez
2023/10/03 by | K.M.Ordiales,P.Chatelain,M.Hood
2023/10/02 by | T.Akutsu,C.Fattinnanzi,V.Gonzalez,M.Morita,C.Foster
2023/10/01 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas,Kardasis
2023/09/30 by | A.Berdejo,A.Lasala,C.Foster,V.Gonzalez,JL Dauvergne,P.Chatelain,Christophe.P
2023/09/29 by | C.Kolivas,M.Morita,S.Ito,C.Foster,T.Tsurumi,M.Lonsdale,A.Casely
2023/09/28 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez,M.Nagase,J.Fuertes
2023/09/27 by | C.Kolivas,C.Foster
2023/09/26 by | C.Kolivas,C.Foster,V.Gonzalez,M.Karrer
2023/09/25 by | M.Hood,T.Nishioka,M.Morita,S.Maksymowicz
2023/09/25 -- | The colors of Saturn through spectrocopy by Christophe.P
2023/09/24 by | C.Kolivas,A.Berdejo,M.Morita,A.Kazemoto,C.Foster,S.Kanno
2023/09/23 by | C.Kolivas,S.Maksymowicz,V.Gonzalez
2023/09/21 by | F.Melillo,A.Cidadao,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/09/20 by | E.Sussenbach,C.Foster,C.Sprianu,A.Soares,R.Tatum,V.Gonzalez
2023/09/19 by | SH.Wada,T.Ishibashi,M.Wong
2023/09/18 by | T.Akutsu,P.Abel,M.Wong
2023/09/17 by | G.Grassmann,Y.Sato,S.Ito,C.Foster,M.Wolle,M.Karakas,F.Melillo,A.Casely
2023/09/16 by | M.Morita,SH.Wada,S.Ito,T.Nishioka,C.Triana
2023/09/15 by | T.Tsurumi,C.Kolivas,M.Morita,L.Morrone
2023/09/14 by | N A.Arias,Christopher Go,M.Nagase,C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2023/09/13 by | M.Morita,S.Ito,N.Kuwabara,T.Nishioka,Christophe.P
2023/09/12 by | C.Kolivas,E.Sussenbach,T.Suzuki,L.Morrone,C.Foster,F.Reali,J.Luis,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/09/11 by | T.Akutsu,V.Mirabella,A.Casely,M.Lonsdale
2023/09/10 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu,A.Kazemoto,V.della Vecchia,C.Fattinnanzi,L.Morrone,C.Bauer,V.Mirabella,A.Casely
2023/09/09 by | Christopher Go,G.Rizzato,M.Nagase,P.Micca,M.Wolle,L.Simon
2023/09/08 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,V.Mirabella,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/09/07 by | R.Tatum,E.Morales,M.Delcroix
2023/09/06 by | Christopher Go,A.Sanchez-Lavega,T.Akutsu,S.Ito,C.Foster,M.Wong,M.Hood,A.Casely,M.Lonsdale
2023/09/05 by | SH.Wada,M.Morita,C.Kolivas,M.Wong,JMP,E.Morales,P.Abel,JL Dauvergne,Christophe.P
2023/09/04 by | F.Melillo,M.Wong,T.Akutsu
2023/09/03 by | G.Rizzato,P.Abel,T.Tsurumi,M.Wong,C.Baez
2023/09/02 by | C.Kolivas,T.Ohsugi,T.Nishioka,C.Foster
2023/09/01 by | M.Morita,C.Kolivas,V.Mirabella,F.Reali,M.Karrer,D.Papa,L.Simon
2023/08/31 by | S.Ito,C.Foster,Christopher Go,A.Berdejo,V.della Vecchia,E.Morales,A.Casely
2023/08/30 by | C.Kolivas,Christopher Go,C.Foster,E.Morales
2023/08/29 by | S.Yoneyama,SH.Wada,I.Takamatsu,N.MacNeill,A.Casely
2023/08/28 by | M.Nagase,Y.Sato,T.Olivetti,T.Suzuki,I.Takamatsu,M.Morita,S.Ito,S.Watanabe,K.Ozaki,T.Ishibashi,E.Morales
------------2023/08/28 08:28(UT) --- Opposition ------衝-----赤道視直径19.0" |
2023/08/27 -- | Saturn 2019 to 2023 by L.Morrone
2023/08/27 by | SH.Wada,M.Hood,C.Kolivas,S.Maksymowicz,T.Tsurumi,N A.Arias,A.Casely
2023/08/26 by | Christopher Go,I.Takamatsu,T.Akutsu,V.della Vecchia,V.Mirabella
2023/08/25 by | T.Tsurumi,M.Nagase,T.Ohsugi,V.della Vecchia,M.Morita,L.Morrone,S.Ito,T.Nishioka,M.Hood,R.Heffner
2023/08/24 by | Y.Sato,T.Suzuki,T.Ishibashi,L.Morrone,C.Foster,T.Akutsu,D.Papa,S.Watanabe,J.LuisCP,A.Casely
2023/08/23 by | M.Hood,P.Chatelain
2023/08/22 by | M.Morita,M.Wolle,C.Kolivas,R.Reitsam,P.Chatelain
2023/08/21 by | R.Tatum,M.Morita,SH.Wada,A.Berdejo,M.Karrer
2023/08/20 by | C.Foster,G.Rizzato,M.Morita,K.Sasaki,S.Watanabe,T.Tsurumi,A.Berdejo,T.Akutsu,P.Haber,V.Gonzalez,P.Abel,L.Simon,M.Lonsdale
2023/08/19 by | C.Foster,H.Hashino
2023/08/18 by | C.Foster,E.Sussenbach,S.Yoneyama,T.Suzuki,S.Ito,C.Sprianu,V.da Silva Jr.,E.Morales,M.Karrer
2023/08/17 by | C.Foster,E.Sussenbach,V.della Vecchia,A.Berdejo,P.Chatelain,L.Simon
2023/08/16 by | L.Morrone,C.Foster
2023/08/15 by | J.VAN DER MEER,C.Kolivas
2023/08/14 by | L.Morrone,K.M.Ordiales,C.Kolivas,Michel.J,M.Karrer,E.Morales
2023/08/13 by | C.Foster,K.M.Ordiales,J.Sussenbach,C.Kolivas,P.William,P.Chatelain
2023/08/12 by | C.Foster,K.M.Ordiales,S.Yoneyama,T.Ishibashi,M.Morita,M.Nagase,T.Tsurumi,T.Ohsugi,T.Suzuki,N.Minagawa,Christophe.P,P.Chatelain
2023/08/11 by | M.Morita,T.Tsurumi,S.Ito,T.Horiuchi,N.Minagawa,R.Tatum,J.Sussenbach,Christophe.P,R.Sedrani
2023/08/10 by | Michel.J,J.Fuertes,J.Sussenbach,P.Chatelain
2023/08/09 by | R.Sedrani
2023/08/08 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas,N.MacNeill,E.Morales,Michel.J,M.Lonsdale
2023/08/07 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2023/08/06 by | C.Foster,K.M.Ordiales,E.Sussenbach,P.Abel
2023/08/05 by | C.Foster,E.Sussenbach,S.Yoneyama,Y.Kanai
2023/08/04 by | C.Kolivas,T.Tsurumi,T.Akutsu,S.Ito
2023/08/03 by | K.Sasaki,K.M.Ordiales,J.Luis,A.Frantzis,E.Morales
2023/08/02 by | Javier,N.Minagawa,M.Morita,K.Lo,A.Lasala
2023/08/01 by | C.Foster,E.Sussenbach,M.Morita,K.Sasaki,T.Kumamori,C.Kolivas,T.Ohsugi,A.Frantzis,B.Estes
2023/07/30 by | L.Morrone,P.Abel,A.Vaccaro,M.Morita,T.Ishibashi
2023/07/29 by | Javier,E.Sussenbach,N.Minagawa,Y.Kanai,T.Tsurumi,T.Nishioka,S.Ito,E.Morales,I.Takamatsu,T.Suzuki,M.P.Leon
2023/07/28 by | Javier,C.Foster,M.Morita,T.Ohsugi,T.Ishibashi
2023/07/27 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,K.Sasaki,T.Ohsugi,B.Estes,S.Watanabe
2023/07/26 by | M.Morita,C.Kolivas
2023/07/25 by | J.Sussenbach,M.Morita,T.Ohsugi,C.Kolivas,M.Hood,E.Morales
2023/07/24 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,T.Ishibashi,T.Horiuchi,Y.Naryzhniy,T.Suzuki,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/07/23 by | V.da Silva Jr.,J.Luis,M.Morita,T.Suzuki,A.Hatanaka,K.Sasaki,A.Lasala,R.Sedrani
2023/07/22 by | C.Foster,Y.Sato,M.Wong,S.Watanabe,E.Morales,P.William,Michel.J
2023/07/21 by | C.Kolivas,T.Tsurumi,S.Ito
2023/07/20 by | M.Morita,JL Dauvergne,Michel.J,P.Chatelain
2023/07/19 by | C.Foster,Y.Naryzhniy,S.Dramonis,JL Dauvergne
2023/07/18 by | C.Foster,J.Sussenbach,JL Dauvergne,Michel.J
2023/07/17 by | C.Foster,JL Dauvergne,T.Horiuchi,M.Morita,T.Nishioka,R.Sedrani,S.Watanabe
2023/07/16 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,M.Nagase,C.Kolivas,T.Kumamori,S.Ito,T.Tsurumi,P.Chatelain,T.Nishioka,Michel.J
2023/07/15 by | C.Foster,M.P.Leon,M.Morita,R.Sedrani
2023/07/14 by | Javier,A.Lasala,JL Dauvergne
2023/07/11 by | G.Walker,M.Morita,S.Ota,S.Dramonis,Christophe.P,JL Dauvergne,N.MacNeill,Michel.J
2023/07/10 by | M.Wolle,T.Kumamori,M.Morita,E.Morales,R.Sedrani,S.Watanabe,P.Chatelain,Michel.J
2023/07/09 by | C.Foster,T.Ishibashi
2023/07/08 by | M.Wolle,C.Foster,G.Walker
2023/07/07 by | C.Foster,G.Walker,J.Sussenbach,T.Akutsu,S.Dramonis
2023/07/06 by | C.Foster,S.Watanabe,Michel.J
2023/07/05 by | C.Foster
2023/07/04 by | C.Foster,A.Vaccaro,JL Dauvergne,G.T.Shanos,S.Watanabe,Michel.J
2023/07/03 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,K.Ozaki
2023/07/02 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez,Michel.J
2023/07/01 by | V.Gonzalez
2023/06/30 by | L.Morrone,C.Foster
2023/06/29 by | M.Hood,G.Walker,C.Foster
2023/06/28 by | J.Luis,S.Ota,G.Walker
2023/06/27 by | A.Vaccaro,S.Ota,A.Lasala,E.Morales,JL Dauvergne
2023/06/26 by | C.Foster,J.Sussenbach,T.Akutsu,C.Bauer,R.Sedrani
2023/06/25 by | C.Foster,A.Lasala,S.Ota,I.Bouhras,S.Watanabe,Michel.J
2023/06/24 by | G.Walker
2023/06/23 by | C.Foster,I.Bouhras
2023/06/22 by | L.Morrone,T.Olivetti
2023/06/20 by | C.Foster
2023/06/19 by | A.Vaccaro,SH.Wada,M.Morita,T.Kumamori
2023/06/18 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,K.Sasaki,N.Minagawa
2023/06/17 by | C.Foster,M.P.Leon,K.Suzuki,SH.Wada,Christopher Go,M.Nagase,T.Nishioka,T.Akutsu,C.Bauer
2023/06/16 by | M.P.Leon,M.Morita,S.Ito,T.Akutsu,H.Hashino,T.Ishibashi,H.Einaga
2023/06/14 by | M.P.Leon
2023/06/13 by | C.Baez,T.Akutsu
2023/06/12 by | Christopher Go
2023/06/11 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go,A.Casely
2023/06/10 by | V.da Silva Jr.
2023/06/09 by | C.Kolivas,S.Ito,L.S.Viola
2023/06/08 by | J.Luis,T.Akutsu
2023/06/07 by | M.Nagase,K.Sasaki
2023/06/06 by | C.Kolivas
2023/06/05 by | A.Lasala,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/06/04 by | V.Martins
2023/06/03 by | SH.Wada,M.Morita,S.Ito,R.Tatum
2023/06/02 by | T.Olivetti
2023/06/01 by | C.Kolivas
2023/05/31 by | SH.Wada,K.Sasaki
2023/05/29 by | K.Sasaki
2023/05/28 by | M.Wong
2023/05/27 by | C.Foster,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/05/26 by | H.Hashino
2023/05/25 by | C.Kolivas
2023/05/24 by | J.Luis,K.Suzuki,T.Ishibashi,T.Akutsu,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/05/23 by | E.Sussenbach,S.Ota,T.Ishibashi,N.MacNeill,Milika-Nicholas,K.Ozaki
2023/05/22 by | T.Akutsu,C.Foster,A.Casely
2023/05/21 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/05/20 by | Christopher Go,T.Akutsu
2023/05/19 by | C.Baez
2023/05/18 by | C.Foster,E.Morales
2023/05/17 by | C.Foster,M.Morita,M.Nagase
2023/05/16 by | M.Morita,SH.Wada,M.Nagase,C.Kolivas,T.Kumamori,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/05/15 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu,K.Ozaki,V.da Silva Jr.
2023/05/14 by | C.Foster,C.Kolivas
2023/05/13 by | Christopher Go
2023/05/12 by | Christopher Go
2023/05/11 by | C.Foster
2023/05/10 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu
2023/05/09 by | Christopher Go,C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2023/05/08 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go,T.Akutsu
2023/05/07 by | C.Foster
2023/05/04 by | N.Minagawa,N.MacNeill
2023/05/03 by | M.Nagase
2023/04/30 by | C.Foster
2023/04/29 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go
2023/04/28 by | C.Foster
2023/04/27 by | C.Foster
2023/04/25 by | N.MacNeill
2023/04/24 by | C.Kolivas
2023/04/23 by | C.Foster,T.Akutsu
2023/04/22 by | Christopher Go
2023/04/21 by | J.Luis
2023/04/20 by | C.Foster,J.Luis
2023/04/19 by | C.Kolivas
2023/04/18 by | T.Akutsu,A.Casely
2023/04/16 by | C.Kolivas
2023/04/14 by | A.Casely
2023/04/12 by | L.S.Viola,T.Akutsu
2023/04/07 by | T.Akutsu
2023/04/03 by | T.Akutsu
2023/04/02 by | T.Akutsu
2023/03/31 by | L.S.Viola
Archive of 2022 Saturn
------------2023/02/16 16:48(UT) --- conjunction ------合-------- |
2022/12/23 by | Christopher Go
2022/12/19 by | C.Kolivas
2022/12/17 by | L.S.Viola
2022/12/15 by | C.Kolivas
2022/12/12 by | C.Baez
2022/12/10 by | S.Ito
2022/12/09 by | T.Murata
2022/12/03 by | C.Kolivas,S.Ito
2022/12/01 by | C.Kolivas
2022/11/29 by | C.Baez
2022/11/28 by | E.Morales
2022/11/27 by | T.Olivetti
2022/11/26 by | Christopher Go
2022/11/24 by | C.Kolivas,L.S.Viola
2022/11/23 by | Milika-Nicholas
2022/11/22 by | Christopher Go,E.Morales
2022/11/21 by | Christopher Go,T.Ishibashi
2022/11/17 by | C.Kolivas
2022/11/15 by | Christopher Go,T.Olivetti
2022/11/14 by | Christopher Go,Kardasis
2022/11/13 by | Kardasis
2022/11/12 by | T.Olivetti,Y.Kanai,S.Ito
2022/11/09 by | C.Kolivas
2022/11/05 by | L.S.Viola
2022/11/04 by | C.Kolivas,L.S.Viola
2022/10/31 by | T.Murata
2022/10/30 by | N.Minagawa,T.Olivetti,S.Ito
2022/10/29 by | S.Ito
2022/10/28 by | G.Z.Wang,Christophe.P
2022/10/27 by | G.Z.Wang,Christophe.P
2022/10/26 by | T.Olivetti
2022/10/24 by | R.Tatum
2022/10/23 by | T.Ishibashi,E.Morales,S.Ito
2022/10/22 by | T.Kumamori,S.Ito,C.Zannelli,E.Morales
2022/10/21 by | S.Ito,M.Wong
2022/10/20 by | C.Kolivas,G.Z.Wang,E.Sussenbach
2022/10/19 by | C.Kolivas,G.Z.Wang,S.Ito
2022/10/18 by | K.M.Ordiales
2022/10/17 by | C.Kolivas,E.Morales,P.Micca
2022/10/16 by | C.Kolivas,L.S.Viola
2022/10/15 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,Milika-Nicholas,D.Papa,C.Viladrich
2022/10/14 by | M.Morita,C.Kolivas,S.Ito,N.MacNeill
2022/10/13 by | K.Nakai,T.Kumamori
2022/10/12 by | K.Nakai,T.Olivetti,G.Z.Wang
2022/10/11 by | G.Z.Wang,F.Melillo,JL Dauvergne,R.A.Hillebrecht
2022/10/09 by | C.Kolivas
2022/10/08 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/10/07 by | G.Z.Wang,E.Morales,R.Sedrani,R.Tatum
2022/10/06 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/10/05 by | G.Z.Wang,Milika-Nicholas
2022/10/04 by | N A.Arias,G.Z.Wang,T.Murata,M.Wong
2022/10/03 by | E.Sussenbach,K.Nakai,G.Z.Wang
2022/10/02 by | Christopher Go,M.Wong,C.Kolivas,G.Z.Wang,T.Murata
2022/10/01 by | T.Murata,A.Berdejo,J.Fuertes
2022/09/30 by | K.Nakai,L.S.Viola,S.Ito,G.Z.Wang
2022/09/29 by | K.Nakai,G.Z.Wang,T.Tsurumi,E.Morales
2022/09/28 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/09/27 by | L.S.Viola,G.Z.Wang,C.Baez
2022/09/26 by | T.Ishibashi,M.Morita,T.Murata,T.Nishioka,T.Suzuki
2022/09/25 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,T.Tsurumi,N.MacNeill
2022/09/24 by | L.S.Viola,G.Z.Wang
2022/09/23 by | J.Luis,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/09/22 by | A.Berdejo,G.Z.Wang
2022/09/21 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/09/20 by | A.Berdejo,G.Z.Wang
2022/09/19 by | JL Dauvergne
2022/09/18 by | G.Grassmann,G.Z.Wang,F.Melillo,R.Tatum
2022/09/17 by | M.Wong,A.Berdejo,V.Gonzalez,JL Dauvergne
2022/09/16 by | G.Z.Wang,T.Murata,J.Fuertes
2022/09/15 by | SH.Wada,G.Z.Wang,T.Tsurumi,P.Abel
2022/09/14 by | T.Ishibashi,G.Z.Wang,M.Morita,M.Wong
2022/09/13 by | M.Morita,M.Wong,N.MacNeill,T.Murata,T.Nishioka
2022/09/12 by | M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,L.Morrone,T.Tsurumi,M.Wong,P.Micca,A.Casely,V.Mirabella
2022/09/11 by | T.Murata,S.Ito,N A.Arias,T.Kumamori,E.Morales,JL Dauvergne
2022/09/10 by | N.Minagawa,T.Ohsugi,SH.Wada,M.Morita,F.Melillo,G.Z.Wang,A.Berdejo,J.Fuertes,S.Kanno,K.Wildgoose
2022/09/09 by | E.Sussenbach,G.Z.Wang,K.M.Ordiales
2022/09/08 by | G.Z.Wang,C.Foster
2022/09/07 by | M.Morita,T.Tsurumi,C.Foster
2022/09/06 by | A.Berdejo,E.Sussenbach
2022/09/05 by | S.Yoneyama,T.Ishibashi,T.Murata,T.Nishioka,M.Wong,L.Morrone
2022/09/04 by | K.Suzuki,M.Morita,M.Karrer,M.Buechner
2022/09/03 by | J.Fuertes,V.Gonzalez,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/09/02 by | G.Grassmann,M.Wong,V.della Vecchia,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/09/01 by | N.Minagawa,T.Murata,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/08/31 by | G.Grassmann,T.Ishibashi,G.Z.Wang,M.Wong,K.Ozaki
2022/08/30 by | G.Walker
2022/08/29 by | T.Olivetti,K.M.Ordiales,G.Walker
2022/08/28 by | Christopher Go,M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,S.Ito,T.Tsurumi,E.Morales,S.Kanno
2022/08/27 by | S.Yoneyama,Christopher Go,T.Olivetti,A.Berdejo
2022/08/26 by | T.Tsurumi,S.Ito,T.Kumamori,SH.Wada,G.Z.Wang,Christopher Go,P.Micca,K.Ozaki,C.Baez,Kardasis
2022/08/25 by | A.Scardua,L.Morrone,G.Z.Wang,P.Abel,V.della Vecchia,K.M.Ordiales,M.Karrer
2022/08/24 by | M.Morita,P.Micca,J.Sussenbach,R.Tatum
2022/08/23 by | N.Minagawa,T.Suzuki,G.Z.Wang,J.Aledo,T.Murata,K.M.Ordiales,E.Morales,JL Dauvergne,M.Lorenzi,Christophe.P
2022/08/22 by | K.M.Ordiales,M.Bianchi,G.Z.Wang,S.Ito,JL Dauvergne
2022/08/21 by | N.Minagawa,F.Melillo,T.Suzuki,T.Ohsugi,G.Z.Wang,S.Kanno,Kardasis
2022/08/20 by | N A.Arias,G.Z.Wang,V.della Vecchia,JL Dauvergne,P.Micca,A.Casely
2022/08/19 by | K.M.Ordiales,S.Yoneyama,N.Minagawa,Christopher Go,T.Nishioka,P.Abel,E.Morales,I.Takamatsu,A.Lasala,M.Lorenzi,Kardasis
2022/08/18 by | T.Ishibashi,M.Morita,T.Matousek,JL Dauvergne
2022/08/17 by | K.M.Ordiales,G.Z.Wang,V.della Vecchia,A.Vaccaro,Y.Takao
2022/08/16 by | L.S.Viola,E.Sussenbach,C.Baez,K.M.Ordiales,O.Pircher,S.Dramonis
2022/08/15 by | N.Minagawa,J.Luis,Christopher Go,T.Kumamori,S.Ito,A.Berdejo,G.Z.Wang,J.VAN DER MEER,V.Gonzalez
------------2022/08/14 17:11(UT) --- Opposition ------衝-----赤道視直径18.8" |
2022/08/14 by | G.Grassmann,L.S.Viola,M.Hood,T.Kumamori,G.Z.Wang,E.Morales,V.della Vecchia,J.H.Aguilera,P.Abel,M.Wong,J.Boudreau
2022/08/13 by | L.S.Viola,T.Olivetti,G.Z.Wang,M.Wong,E.Morales
2022/08/12 by | L.S.Viola,G.Z.Wang,JL Dauvergne
2022/08/11 by | N A.Arias,R.Wheeler,Christopher Go,T.Kumamori,M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,A.Berdejo,JL Dauvergne
2022/08/10 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/08/09 by | M.P.Leon,G.Z.Wang
2022/08/08 by | T.Tsurumi,T.Kumamori
2022/08/07 by | N.Minagawa,G.Z.Wang,T.Nishioka,JL Dauvergne
2022/08/06 by | G.Z.Wang,N A.Arias,C.Viladrich
2022/08/05 by | D.Moore,G.Z.Wang,S.Watanabe,L.Yasutake
2022/08/04 by | V.della Vecchia,J.Warell,V.da Silva Jr.,C.Viladrich
2022/08/03 by | G.Grassmann,J.Sussenbach,Jean-Paul.O,G.Z.Wang,Christophe.P,C.Viladrich,R.Reitsam
2022/08/02 by | L.S.Viola,N.Minagawa,S.Ito,V.Gonzalez,C.Baez,Christophe.P
2022/08/01 by | J.Luis,M.Morita,SH.Wada,T.Kumamori,T.Horiuchi,T.Tsurumi
2022/07/31 by | M.Morita,P.Casquinha,Milika-Nicholas
2022/07/30 by | L.S.Viola,S.Yoneyama,J.Sussenbach,G.Z.Wang,D.Papa,Christophe.P,S.Watanabe
2022/07/29 by | M.Morita,T.Olivetti,SH.Wada,N.Minagawa,G.Z.Wang,T.Suzuki,S.Ito,J.Warell,S.Watanabe
2022/07/28 by | C.Baez,SH.Wada,G.Z.Wang
2022/07/27 by | T.Ishibashi,N.Minagawa,E.Morales
2022/07/26 by | T.Olivetti,G.Z.Wang,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/07/25 by | V.della Vecchia,T.Ohsugi,M.Morita
2022/07/24 by | S.Yoneyama,S.Ito,G.Z.Wang,E.Morales,Christophe.P,JL Dauvergne
2022/07/23 by | Javier,N.Minagawa,G.Z.Wang,M.Wong,C.Sprianu,M.Morita,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/07/22 by | Jean-Paul.O,N.Minagawa,V.della Vecchia,M.Wong,V.Martins
2022/07/21 by | L.Morrone,G.Z.Wang
2022/07/20 by | L.S.Viola,M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,S.Ito,V.Martins,J.Warell
2022/07/19 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/07/18 by | L.S.Viola,L.Morrone,V.della Vecchia,A.Scardua,JL Dauvergne,E.Morales,J.Tapioles,M.Buechner,K.Wildgoose
2022/07/17 by | A.Scardua,L.S.Viola,N.Minagawa,P.Abel,M.Rosolina
2022/07/16 by | JL Dauvergne,G.Z.Wang,V.Gonzalez
2022/07/14 by | N.MacNeill
2022/07/14 -- | Increase in ring tilt from 13th June to 14th July by N.MacNeill
2022/07/13 by | M.P.Leon,P.Abel,JL Dauvergne,L.S.Viola
2022/07/12 by | A.Lasala,Christophe.P,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/07/11 by | D.Peach,E.Morales
2022/07/10 by | J.VAN DER MEER,G.Z.Wang,M.Wong
2022/07/09 by | M.P.Leon,J.Luis,JL Dauvergne,E.Morales
2022/07/08 by | G.Z.Wang,P.Abel,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/07/07 by | G.Z.Wang,M.P.Leon,A.Cidadao,V.Gonzalez
2022/07/06 by | JL Dauvergne,J.J.Poupeau,E.Sussenbach,T.Ohsugi,T.Tsurumi,T.Kumamori,G.Z.Wang,K.Ozaki,E.Morales,C.Baez
2022/07/05 by | S.Watanabe,A.Vaccaro,E.Morales
2022/07/04 by | JL Dauvergne,G.Z.Wang
2022/07/03 by | Christophe.P,M.Karrer,G.Z.Wang,JL Dauvergne
2022/07/02 by | Christophe.P,J.J.Poupeau
2022/07/01 by | T.Tsurumi,T.Horiuchi,R.Sedrani,M.Morita,E.Morales,S.Watanabe,K.Ozaki,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/06/30 by | K.Suzuki,M.Morita,T.Ohsugi,T.Kumamori,T.Tsurumi,T.Murata,T.Horiuchi,K.Ozaki
2022/06/29 by | M.Morita,T.Tsurumi,S.Yoneyama,J.Luis,JL Dauvergne,K.Ozaki
2022/06/28 by | M.Nagase,S.Ito,T.Murata,K.Ozaki,JL Dauvergne,T.Ishibashi,V.da Silva Jr.,E.Morales
2022/06/27 by | S.Ito,M.Morita,L.S.Viola,K.Ozaki
2022/06/26 by | G.Z.Wang,S.Yoneyama,A.Yamazaki,K.Ozaki
2022/06/25 by | J.VAN DER MEER,E.Morales
2022/06/24 by | T.Ishibashi,M.Wong
2022/06/22 by | P.Abel,M.Hood,T.Ohsugi,V.da Silva Jr.,V.Martins
2022/06/21 by | E.Morales
2022/06/20 by | C.Baez,R.Sedrani,M.Hood
2022/06/18 by | JL Dauvergne
2022/06/17 by | J.Luis,D.Peach,W.Souza,JL Dauvergne
2022/06/16 by | P.Abel,V.da Silva Jr.,JL Dauvergne
2022/06/15 by | D.Peach
2022/06/14 by | E.Morales,M.Hood,L.S.Viola
2022/06/13 by | C.Foster,A.Cidadao,N.MacNeill
2022/06/11 by | E.Morales,V.Gonzalez,JL Dauvergne
2022/06/10 by | M.P.Leon,M.Hood,V.Gonzalez
2022/06/09 by | E.Sussenbach,E.Morales
2022/06/08 by | C.Foster,T.Tsurumi
2022/06/07 by | M.P.Leon,C.Foster,T.Tsurumi
2022/06/06 by | Dmitry.W,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/06/05 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/06/04 by | L.S.Viola
2022/06/03 by | T.Tsurumi,D.Pistritto
2022/06/02 by | C.Foster,T.Kumamori,M.Hood,A.Lasala
2022/06/01 by | T.Suzuki,T.Ohsugi
2022/05/31 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/05/30 by | L.S.Viola,M.Hood
2022/05/29 by | G.Grassmann,M.Morita,G.Z.Wang,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/05/28 by | G.Z.Wang,M.Morita,I.Bouhras,V.Gonzalez
2022/05/27 by | C.Foster,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/05/26 by | N.MacNeill
2022/05/25 by | C.Foster,J.Luis,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/05/24 by | V.della Vecchia,C.Foster
2022/05/23 by | S.Ito
2022/05/22 by | J.VAN DER MEER,V.Gonzalez
2022/05/20 by | C.Foster
2022/05/18 by | C.Foster,S.Yoneyama,M.Morita,S.Ito,T.Ishibashi
2022/05/17 by | V.della Vecchia,A.Vaccaro
2022/05/16 by | C.Foster,V.della Vecchia,N.MacNeill
2022/05/15 by | C.Foster,V.della Vecchia
2022/05/14 by | C.Foster,V.Gonzalez
2022/05/13 by | C.Foster
2022/05/12 by | C.Foster
2022/05/11 by | C.Foster
2022/05/10 by | C.Foster
2022/05/09 by | C.Foster
2022/05/08 by | V.Gonzalez
2022/05/07 by | S.Ito
2022/05/06 by | C.Foster,M.Morita
2022/05/05 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go
2022/05/04 by | M.Morita,S.Ito
2022/05/03 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola,M.Morita,T.Ishibashi
2022/05/02 by | C.Foster,M.Lonsdale,V.da Silva Jr.
2022/04/30 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go
2022/04/29 by | C.Foster,J.Luis,Christopher Go,T.Olivetti,Milika-Nicholas
2022/04/28 by | L.S.Viola,J.Luis,G.Z.Wang
2022/04/26 by | L.S.Viola
2022/04/25 by | Christopher Go
2022/04/24 by | J.Luis
2022/04/22 by | M.Morita,Christopher Go
2022/04/21 by | C.Foster
2022/04/20 by | C.Foster
2022/04/19 by | C.Foster,J.Luis
2022/04/18 by | C.Foster,Christopher Go
2022/04/15 by | C.Foster,Milika-Nicholas
2022/04/14 by | C.Foster,N.MacNeill,G.Z.Wang,R.Sedrani
2022/04/13 by | C.Foster
2022/04/12 by | C.Foster
2022/04/10 by | L.S.Viola,A.Casely
2022/04/09 by | M.Nagase
2022/04/07 by | C.Foster
2022/04/05 by | C.Foster
2022/04/04 by | M.Lonsdale,G.Z.Wang
2022/04/03 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/04/01 by | C.Foster
2022/03/31 by | C.Foster
2022/03/28 by | C.Foster
2022/03/27 by | C.Foster
2022/03/24 by | C.Foster
2022/03/21 by | M.Lonsdale
2022/03/20 by | L.S.Viola,T.Barry
2022/03/14 by | C.Foster
2022/03/13 by | C.Foster,L.S.Viola
2022/03/12 by | T.Barry
2022/03/11 by | G.Z.Wang
2022/03/07 by | C.Foster
2022/03/02 by | T.Barry
------------2022/02/04 19:05(UT) --- conjunction ------合-------- |
Old Observations 以前の土星観測
Saturn 2021 Aapparition Observations Feb.2021 - Jan.2022 土星 2019期の観測
Saturn 2020 Aapparition Observations Feb.2020 - Dec.2020 土星 2019期の観測
Saturn 2019 Aapparition Observations Jan.2019 - Dec.2019 土星 2019期の観測
Saturn 2018 Aapparition Observations Jan.2018 - Nov.2018 土星 2018期の観測
Saturn 2017 Aapparition Observations Jan.2017 - Nov.2017 土星 2017期の観測
Saturn 2016 Aapparition Observations Jan.2016 - Sep.2016 土星 2016期の観測
Saturn 2015 Aapparition Observations Jan.2015 - Oct.2015 土星 2015期の観測
Saturn 2014 Aapparition Observations Nov.2013 - Oct.2014 土星 2014期の観測
Saturn 2013 Aapparition Observations Oct.2012 - Sep.2013 土星 2013期の観測
Saturn 2012 Aapparition Observations Oct.2011 - Sep.2012 土星 2012期の観測
Saturn 2011 Aapparition Observations Oct.2010 - Sep.2011 土星 2011期の観測
Saturn 2010 Aapparition Observations Sep.2009 - Jul.2010 土星 2010期の観測
Saturn 2009 Aapparition Observations Oct.2008 - Sep.2009 土星 2009期の観測
Saturn 2008 Aapparition Observations Sep.2007 - Jun.2008 土星 2008期の観測
Saturn 2007 Aapparition Observations Sep.2006 - Jul.2007 土星 2007期の観測
Saturn 2006 Aapparition Observations Aug.2005 - Jun.2006 土星 2006期の観測
Saturn 2005 Aapparition Observations Jun.2004 - Jun.2005 土星 2005期の観測
Saturn 2003 Aapparition Observations Aug.2003 - Jun.2004 土星 2003期の観測
Saturn 2002 Aapparition Observations Aug.2002 - Mar.2003 土星 2002期の観測
Saturn 2001 Aapparition Observations Jul.2001 - Apr.2002 土星 2001期の観測
Saturn 2000 Aapparition Observations Jun.2000 - Apr.2001 土星 2000期の観測
Saturn 1999 Aapparition Observations Jun.1999 - Apr.2000 土星 1999期の観測
Saturn 1998 Aapparition Observations Jun.1998 - Feb.1999 土星 1998期の観測
Saturn 1997 Aapparition Observations Oct.1997 - May.1998 土星 1997期の観測
Saturn 1996 Aapparition Observations Jun.1996 - Dec.1996 土星 1996期の観測
Saturn Older Observations
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