y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/11/15(UT)
Paul G. Abel

Satoshi Ito

ሤm  ts  ɓj[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]

Paul G. Abel
We had clear skies for a while on 15th November and I was able to make an observation of Saturn.  Seeing was only average but there were a number of things of interest:
The Globe:
?	The SEB and STB could both be seen and appeared bluish in colour.
?	I had the impression that there may have been a brighter region/spot in the STZ- this feature was about halfway between the CM and the prec. limb. 
?	EZ a bright zone with an EB seen.
?	NEB rather broad, the NEB(s) was the darkest belt on the disk, NEB(z) slightly pinkish brown and the NEB(n) visible but much fainter.
?	NTB and NNTB both seen, also a band around the NPR.
?	NNTZ still retains a distinctive greenish hue. 
The Rings:
?	A-Ring greyish brown in colour
?	Cassini Division seen, black in colour
?	B-1 Ring bright, B3-Ring also seen, greyish in colour
?	C-Ring seen but now notably darker than it was at the time of opposition
The drawing also shows Tethys which was nearby.  Saturn observations concluded at 1719UT as the sky was now dark enough to search for comet 12P.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section