土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2024/10/23(UT)
Frank J Melillo,Laurent Dulbecco,Jacques VAN DER MEER,Manolo Rodriguez,Jordi Ortega,Michael A. Phillips
F.Melillo,L.Dulbecco,J.VAN DER MEER,M.Rodriguez,Ortega,M.Phillips
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
[Laurent Dulbecco : Dusseldorf,Germany]
[Jacques VAN DER MEER: La Ciotat (13) France]
Good conditions of seeing 4/5 estimate,good transparency 4/5
[Manolo Rodriguez : El Pedroso,Seville,Spain]
In color and with the contrasted luminance,you can see two spots in the southern part of the planet.
[Jordi Ortega:Barcelona,SPAIN]
[Michael A. Phillips Swift Creek,NC,U.S.A.]