土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2023/06/11(UT)
Clyde Foster,Christopher Go,Andy Casely
C.Foster,Christopher Go,A.Casely
Just returned from a short trip to SA. Although we have moved a few degrees north,we have certainly not escaped the Jetstream,which has been strong-to-severe over the last two weeks. It was still strong this morning,with far from ideal seeing conditions,and I limited myself to a series of R and IR captures to produce R and IR monitoring images. Unfortunately the Jetstream is forecast to strengthen significantly over the
[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]
Seeing was good today but transparency was very variable and poor at times because of clouds.
Tethys can be seen just below the rings on the right. There is a dark spot on 32N after the CM. While on the same latitude,there is a white spot rising on the left! On the opposite hemisphere at 32S,this band is very active with a string of white spots lining up.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Here is a set of Saturn images from excellent seeing on the 11th June. I caught my first transit of a moon on Saturn, with Tethys resolved in all wavelengths, even blue. For the RGB image, Tethys and shadow are combined from 3x red, 3x green and 2x blue subframes from a short spell of superb seeing near the midpoint of the run. Tethys is the streak in the southern hemisphere in the methane image, and moon & shadow are in the IR image.
Of more Saturn-ish interest is the resolved storm near the CM in the equatorial zone in the red filter - clearly round, and rotates with the planet in raw images. It's not visible in green or blue filters, or in IR or methane.
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]